Eastgate Monastery Settlement in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Eastgate Monastery

Eastgate Keep, otherwise known as Eastgate Monastery, is a structure that guards the passage between Khanduras and Aranoch. Originally built by Rakkis during his campaign to the West, it has come to be inhabited by the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye who use it as their base of operations.   Many tight-pursed merchants have come to loathe the Sisterhood's control of this important location, and the "road tax" they levy from travelers who use the eastern passage, seeing them as little better than brigands. However, more astute citizens have noted that the presence of the Rogues sharply reduced the number of monsters and less scrupulous criminals in the area, which is a trade most travelers are willing to make.


Eastgate was constructed by the crusader army known as the "Sons of Rakkis" during their crusade against the West, which served as a fortified outpost against their enemy's counterattacks. After Rakkis's previous successes in Aranoch, it was here that he regrouped his forces after the "barbarians" of the north and people of Ivgorod proved to be unconquerable. After restoring his men's morale, Rakkis led his forces west, eventually founding Westmarch. Eastgate later fell into abandonment for many long years until it was taken by the rogues known as the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye.


Built to withstand the assault of the indomitable Children of Bul-kathos and their allies in Ivgorod, the original citadel boasts sturdy walls and defensible winding corridors that the rogues adapted to their own uses with ease. A large main gate to the side of the main structure allows caravans to pass easily, but only when permitted by the leaders of the Sisterhood. Those who attempt to pass without paying the required fees find themselves assailed by the monastery's custodians through dozens of well-protected arrowslits and murder holes.  


Built in a steep canyon within the treacherous Tamoe Mountains that separate Aranoch from Khanduras, the monastery both seals off and protects one of the most important trade routes in the eastern Western Kingdoms. The tall canyon walls force travelers to approach from the well-fortified eastern and western sides of the keep, and the vast plains beyond the mountains make sneaking up to the fortress a near impossibility.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
The Rogue Monastery
Citadel of the Sightless Eye
Location under
Owning Organization
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