The Skeleton King Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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The Skeleton King

Risen from his grave to continue his dark work against the people of Khanduras, the once righteous King Leoric was reborn in this twisted and accursed form after his loyal knight, Lachdanan slew him. Imbued with terrible dark powers and a desire to see all of the people of Khanduras suffer for their perceived crimes against him, the mad Skeleton King began raising an army of skeletal minions to enact his revenge.
  Fortunately, a group of heroes led by none other than his own prodigal son, Aidan, entered the Royal Crypts and laid the abominable king to rest once more.  


  Fleshless - As skeletons have no remaining flesh, they are tireless and fearless warriors.   Touch of the Grave - Leoric's weapons are imbued with a searing cold flame that burns and freezes his enemies at once.   The Monarch's Call - By channeling dark energy into nearby corpses, Leoric can raise an unlimited number of skeletal minions to serve him in battle.

Location: Tristram Cathedral
  Resistances: None
Immunities: Poison
Vulnerabilities: None


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