Lachdanan Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Lachdanan (LAHC-dan-an)

A loyal knight under King Leoric, Lachdanan was known to be just and righteous, always placing the people of Khanduras first and foremost in his duties. When he returned from the ill-advised campaign against Westmarch to find his beloved monarch fully consumed with madness, Lachdanan rallied his knights to put the mad tyrant to rest. While King Leoric was slain, he rose immediately as the The Skeleton King and cursed the "traitorous" members his royal guard. While the other members of the guard were overcome at once, Lachdanan escaped to Tristram once more before the curse began to take hold of his mind and body. Wanting to protect the people of the town from the curse that ravaged him, he fled into the depths of the labyrinth beneath the Tristram Cathedral.
Current Status
Aligned Organization


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