Warpskull Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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A sadistic demon once trapped in the Halls of the Blind, it was freed when the heroes working to save Tristram opened a passage back into the catacombs beneath the cathedral. The creature then stalked them relentlessly, repeatedly striking at the group from the shadows whenever they were unprepared, then retreating to heal whenever it became injured. The group suffered much under it's constant attacks until it was finally trapped and slain in the Chamber of Bone.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Unlike most Hidden, Warpskull had tell-tale red banding that matched its bulbous red eyes, and a wicked intelligence beyond most of its kin. Thanks to its healing factor, it reveled in repeatedly ambushing its prey, wearing them down over time, rather than throwing itself mindlessly into battle like many demons.

Special abilities

Aetherial Mending - Empowered with incredible regenerative powers, Warpskull could fully heal from any injury within minutes as long as it remained safely cloaked in its invisibility.

Location: Tristram Cathedral
  Resistances: None
Immunities: None
Vulnerabilities: None

Circumstances of Death
Slain during the Darkening of Tristram


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