Chamber of Bone Plot in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Chamber of Bone

At the furthest point in the catacombs, lay a dark, swirling vortex that called to the heroes to explore. Discarded tomes nearby, left by the mad sorcerer Zhar, suggested that the place beyond was likely known as the "Chamber of Bone," and that hidden within was knowledge and power that the mage desired.  
  • Jazreth determined that the vortex lead to another realm, removed from Sanctuary. Aidan also recalled that the portal appeared different from a Hell Portal, which might be used to access the Burning Hells themselves.
  • Taking this knowledge to Deckard Cain, the party determined that the Chamber of Bone was likely a "vault" of sorts for a powerful demon lord, used to store treasures that the demon wanted to keep safe from others of their kind.
  • The party returned to the portal, entering the Chamber itself, a realm of inky blackness constructed of the bones of untold legions of dead. Near the entrance were the charred bones of a skeleton, still smoldering from what appeared to be fire magic.
  • Fighting against demons, undead, and the very walls themselves, the party found many troves of treasures, both ancient and new, sealed in hellish coffers.
  • Peering through small windows, the party spotted Zhar pacing and muttering to himself in the innermost chambers.
  • Near the center of the skeletal maze, the party was assailed yet again by Warpskull, but finally managed to trap and kill the demonic ambusher.
  • In the center of the Chamber, the party confronted Zhar, who seemed irritated by their presence. Telling them to take the treasures but leave the tomes, he went back to his manic reading.
  • When the party disturbed the mad mage's concentration, he attacked them with unhinged fury, causing them to fight back and eventually put them down.
  • Searching his body, the group discovered that the magic Zhar the Mad had used to open the portal was swiftly deteriorating.
  • Grabbing everything at hand and rushing back to the entrance, the party attempted to flee the Chamber of Bone before they became trapped there forever.
  • While the party eventually escaped, Jazreth was crippled when he tripped through the closing portal and had his leg maimed by the torrential magics.
While Jazreth was critically injured, the group managed to loot the treasures from the Chamber, returning to town with their relics and tomes in hand. Jazreth and Deckard Cain began poring through the tomes for information on the demonic threat while the others used their newfound treasures to arm themselves for greater threats ahead.
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