Halls of the Blind Plot in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Halls of the Blind

After discovering the strange book titled "The Book of the Blind," Mesedre stumbled into a portal and found herself sealed within a realm of perfect darkness. When her allies attempted to rescue her, they found themselves likewise trapped within the terrible "Halls of the Blind," searching for a way out.  
  • Once inside the halls, everything appeared pitch black except for a single, menacing pair of glowing red eyes, which quickly disappeared into the shadows.
  • Despite having a torch, the Halls seemed to drink in the light, so that the illumination barely cast enough light to see by, let along navigate.
  • The walls felt strange, almost chitinous, and slightly slippery, as if the entire area was inside some kind of insect shell.
  • Bodies of human-like creatures could be seen in the walls, slowly melding with the walls. All of their eyes seemed to have melted away, leaving only empty sockets filled with black residue.
  • Though none of the captives seemed able to talk, Many of the people were seen breathing, moaning, or mumbling, filling the halls with a low incessant tremble of noise.
  • Once deeper into the halls, the group was attacked by packs of Hidden demons who struck quickly before retreating to the inky blackness of the area.
  • As they spent time in the Halls, the group noticed their own eyesight was starting to fail, and even started to leak black fluid from their tear ducts.
  • Eventually, gargoyle guarded secret rooms were discovered within the halls, one of which held a strange altar.
  • After retrieving the Optic Amulet from the altar, the group sensed a feeling of release, and found that a passage out of the Halls had opened up.
After escaping from the Halls of the Blind, the group found that their eyesight was slowly starting to return, but realized too late that they had accidentally released the red-eyed demon they noticed when they first arrived - some kind of uniquely menacing Hidden named Warpskull. The creature fled into the deeper bowels of the catacombs with a wicked hiss, leaving the group no doubt that they would encounter it again down below.


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