Westmarch Organization in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Westmarch is one of the Western Kingdoms, along with Entsteig and Khanduras. Founded by the legendary Zakarum general, Rakkis, during his crusade into the West, the nation has a long history of maintaining a strong national army, led by the Knights of Westmarch.


Westmarch is a kingdom that thrives on commerce and maritime trade. It operates as a monarchy, with the original dynasty being known as the Sons of Rakkis. Currently, the kingdom is currently ruled by the Justinian Dynasty, with the monarch being supported by noble houses. The nation boasts a strong navy, both mercantile and military, and places great faith and importance on the Zakarum religion.


Before the coming of Rakkis, the lands of Westmarch were home to nine controlling tribes. These tribes were eventually taken in and united under Rakkis, starting the kingdom of Westmarch in earnest. The "Sons of Rakkis" would rule for three generations until the grandson of Rakkis left behind no heirs. The crown passed to Justinian I, beginning the Justinian Dynasty, through a somewhat convoluted interpretation of Zakarum scripture. Seen as usurpers by many, the Justinians have suffered nearly constant challenges to their rule.   In the mid-1200s, the Zakarum Reformation began in the East, and many missionaries were dispatched to the West to help convert the locals. This created some tensions between the people of Westmarch and their unconverted neighbors that eventually led to King Leoric being sent to Khanduras to bring the religion to the locals directly.   Sadly, despite what should have been a positive change for the two nations, the madness that took King Leoric resulted in him launching an attack on Westmarch, resulting in an ill-fated war that saw the destruction of the army of Khanduras. Since the sudden and unexpected death of Leoric, the people of Westmarch have been watching the situation in Khanduras develop, unsure of how to interact with their erratic northern neighbor.

Founding Date
1060 AK
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Official State Religion
Neighboring Nations


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