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Exiled from his home of Kel Turum in the Iron Rise many years before the adventures of the Party, Rurik found himself in the small and insignificant town of Garrikhill without a place or purpose. He was taken in and employed by Horas Underdrey, where he took his new purpose very seriously and eventually rose to the role of steward of Underdrey Manor, something he took great pride in.   He more or less raised Lord Vimis, the grandson of Horas, after the boy's mother died in childbirth and his father was killed in a hunting accident when Vimis was only fourteen. Rurik often used a stern and sometimes violent hand in his raising of the young lord, which Vimis grew to resent. In Rurik's eyes, any resentment Vimis held for him would be worth it to ensure that the young lord grew up strong and wise. Rurik was also present when Torrin came to suppress a very young Vimis's latent King's Blood powers.   After Vimis returned from the Slaughter of Bygate with a prisoner in tow, Rurik gradually became more and more concerned by Vimis's seeming shirking of his duties as the Lord of Garrikhill. Vimis spent all his time in the caverns beneath Underdrey Manor with the prisoner, obsessed with some work and purpose beyond the town he was responsible for. When Rurik confronted Vimis over his current failings as a lord, Vimis killed the steward in a fit of rage but then used the power of Ishurad's Mask and the First King's Blood to resurrect him. Rurik's wounds closed, but did not heal, and his eyes turned an unnatural and vibrant blue, as he found himself in a state between life and death.   While Vimis was around, Rurik was beholden to his will but with distance came relative freedom, although he is still unable to act directly against his master. As a result, Rurik was forced to suffer watching the manor he had put such pride into be defiled by Sevryn's Chosen, the dragonborn that served Sevryn the Red Death. Vimis gave the manor to the Chosen so that they may create the crystalborn to serve his purposes, and Rurik was forced to serve the corrupted dragonborn.   When the Party cleansed the manor of the Chosen, Rurik revealed what he knew to the Party and decided to stay at Underdrey Manor and rebuild it to its former state, a task made somewhat more difficult by the damage the Party and Sevryn himself did to it during the encounter.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Steward of Underdrey Manor
Adult (Roughly 300 hundred years old)
Circumstances of Death
Killed and resurrected by Vimis Underdrey
Blue (post-resurrection)
Copper with streaks of grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lightly tanned
Aligned Organization


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