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Adoris Rainhald

The youngest son of King Rudur, Prince Adoris once went exploring in Streganna with his older brother, Valorun, when the two teenagers. At the Red River Keep, there was an accident that caused Valorun to think Adoris was dead and return heartbroken to his family, but the younger brother survived and was found by a vampire named Lord Demicus.

Through years of physical and psychological torture, Demicus twisted Adoris into believing his family had abandoned him and that they deserved to die, while teaching him dark magic. He gave Adoris the lost half of Ishurad's Mask while teaching him about the power of the First King's Blood running through his veins.    During the Hollow War, Adoris used his new power to create an army of undead soldiers from the corpses of a recent battle between Sanroth and Streganna and then massacred the town of Bygate to finally get his revenge on Valorun for leaving him behind. However, his actions inadvertently caused Vimis Underdrey to awaken his true powers and Vimis was able to overpower and capture Adoris.   The Prince was imprisoned beneath Underdrey Manor, where Vimis and Adoris together learned of the true history of the Underdreys, using the Mask and their combined powers to look back through history and discover Vimis was descended from the royal bastard of a previous King. After Vimis had learned how to use Ishurad's Mask, he killed Adoris as punishment for what he did to Valorun and Bygate, though Adoris's spirit remained trapped in the physical world, bound to the mirror in his prison chamber.   When the party encountered what remained of Adoris, he revealed what he knew of Vimis to them, while also seeming to display feelings of remorse for what he did to his brother and the people of Bygate. The party showed mercy by granting Adoris's final request and burned his body so that his spirit could move on.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince (presumed dead)
Young Adult
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Vimis Underdrey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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