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Session 1: Lorent

General Summary

Chasianna is sent by the Elven Council to meet with local wizard Allustan regarding some recent dark events in the area, and meets up with the wizard Iendae, the fighter Verdon , and the rogue Artemis in Lorent.
Allustan indicates he needs a little time before he can attend to their joint investigation, but suggests the group investigate the Whispering Cairn to the northeast of town, as it may contain some interesting treasure or history. That night at the Feral Dog Inn, the party meet the fighter Auric, the rogue Tirra, and the wizard Khellek - another adventuring party. These three are heading toward Stirgenest Cairn across Diamond Lake, but have heard of the Whispering Cairn.
The party sets off in the morning to the Whispering Cairn, an ancient burial site from which you can hear haunting wails when the wind is right. Inside, they find an old, torn sleeping bag and satchel that appear to be from years ago. Verdon remembers that children used dare each other to sleep overnight in the cavern, but he doesn't think they do any more.
Not far into the cavern, the group discover a small den of wolves behind some debris blocking off a small alcove. They dispatch of the creatures with ease, and carry on into the tunnel toward a slight green glow from further up.

Character(s) interacted with

Allustan, local wizard and "smartest man in town".   Auric, Tirra, and Khellek - an adventuring party from Astea.
The Age of Worms
Report Date
01 Feb 2018
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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