Baronetess Cray (KRAY)

Baronetess Albree Cray

The Baronetess of Cray, the third to hold the title and the first woman, is a capable field commander in the armies of Timer. With the fighting drawing to a close for the winter months, she has been dispatched to Hagsfall in an attempt to bring the new stronghold to the Temeri cause.   The Baronetess was aware that many of the tower's leaders held ties to Elow and considers her diplomatic mission a siege rather than a single battle.  She was unsuccessful in preventing Hagsfall from seeking out Elowean aid, but is continuing to build good will by helping the inhabitants deal with the Prior Lemast incident.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

While quite willing to change the level of armor she wears, the Baronetess is most often in some sort of armor, and even when not wears Timeri colors. She is aware that she is a representative of her people at all times.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Baronet of Kray was earned through the military service of the current Baronetess's grandfather, well before the Elow/Timer Civil War. Albree seeks to expand -- or at very least prevent the diminishment of her family land -- eschewing the more easier and more typical route for a Timeri noblewoman, she has taken to the battlefield and proven herself quite capable.

Gender Identity

The Baronetess makes no secret of her femininity, but she typically presents a stern, masculine figure.

Intellectual Characteristics

The Baronetess is stern, calculating, and patient in most things. She treats most things like a battle, and waits to engage until she is confident in the outcome. But once committed she is unrelenting.

Morality & Philosophy

The Baronetess has been on the battlefield enough to know that practicality outweigh morals when it comes to bringing home soldiers. She has a moral code, but will set it aside when needed as was evidenced in her dealing with Prior Lemast's death.

Alternate Art

Neutral Good
Current Status
Diplomat to Hagsfall
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baronetess of Cray, Knight Commander
Year of Birth
1466 DR 25 Years old
Blonde, cut short
Aligned Organization


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