Kingdom of Elow (EL-OH)

Among the oldest of the kingdoms of man, founded during the age of myth by the warrior-king Cronacht. The kingdom, now in decline, at it height spanned from the Sheer Coast to the Southern Ocean. It's power was drastically reduced by the secession of Clearia, leading many of the various provinces to break away into their own separate city states. Most recently, in 1483 following following the death of King Orlet IV, the kingdom was again divided in half by a bloody civil war that has raged for the better part of a decade. The power of the noble houses and even the throne has declined steadily in Elow. The many of the distant border states have all but declared their independence. The northern nobles take up arms to recapture the capital from what they see as a illegitimate queen. The peasants grow discontent with the levies placed upon them to support the nobility and the war. Within the capital, the leaders of guilds, noble houses, churches, and the Cerulean Tower all vie for the attention of Queen Keyva, who finds herself on a increasingly unstable throne.


Officially Queen Keyva rules with absolute power, but much of the power in the country is divided between her landed nobility, the mages of the Cerulean Tower, and a burgeoning merchant class that is supplying the gold to fight the ongoing war.


Tracing its history all the way to the Age of Myth, Queen Keyva marks the first time when the country has officially been ruled by a female monarch. In the past, women have ruled as regents, but Keyva has done something new by claiming the crown herself, something that was legally if not culturally the Queen's right.


Elow fields a much more varied army than its rival Timer, consisting of both heavy knights, peasant levies, mercenaries, and even what mages the Cerulean Tower can spare for the war effort. This variation is credited as why Elow has been able to hold off their rival even after most of the county's military might was absorbed into Timer.


While venerating Ulmark, the Worldshaper as the primary of the gods, within the various towns and cities of Elow temples to most every form of religion can be found, even those that the kingdom's Clearian  neighbors would deem heresy.

Foreign Relations

At war with: Principality of Timer   Former vassal: The Clearian Holy Order   Offering political support to: Hagsfall   Trading partners: Khiz, the Free Cities Accord  

Agriculture & Industry

Compared to its rival in the civil war, Elow possesses considerably more agricultural land and a larger population, but lacks access to fine ores and heavy industries.

Trade & Transport

Elow largely trades much of its agricultural produce to its bordering states. The mages of the Cerulean Tower, produce fine magic infused goods that, when not co-opted for the war effort fetch a price second only to those produced in the elven lands.

"We were, we are, we will be"

Founding Date
-397 DR
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Successor Organizations
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

Trading partners

Trading partners

Cautiously courting the new local power

Several of Hagsfall's leaders possess ties to Elow forging a natural bond.

Civil but cold relations

Himse and Elow have had minor border disputes in the past. Himse is taking no side is the Elow/Timer Civil War, but has more in common with the traditionalist faction represented by Timer.

Previous conflicts, no recent campaigns

Civil War

Articles under Kingdom of Elow


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