
The newest state in the Sheer Coast it was founded by a group of adventurers known as the Frostyear Guardians after defeating a powerful foe. For the moment it is a independent state though its neighbors look at it with interest and are currently attempting to cement closer ties for their own purposes.


In the final confrontation with Bergatha the unchecked earth magics released by the Ilyrinan Machine thrust a whitestone tower up from beneath the ground. The locals helped to rebuild and add on to the structure, thus creating a seat of power that was filled (with varying degrees of reluctance) by the Guardians. This made them de facto lords of the region, a fact that was not missed by the neighboring states who sent delegates to court favor in the fall of 1491.

Foreign Relations

At this time the city state is in the beginning stages of creating closer ties to the Kingdom of Elow.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Ruling Organization
Government System
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

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