Timer (TIE MEER)

The latest in a long list of Elowean breakaway states, Timer was founded in 1483 DR when the Elowean King heirless. Prince Jurent was snubbed in his claim for his brother's throne when Queen Keyva refused to vacate her late husband's throne. As such he took much of the Elowean old guard nobility north to @Timer and made ready for war to reclaim the throne. Although the fighting has last nearly a bloody decade, neither side shows signs of victory or reconciliation.


Timer remains a very traditional state after its split with Elow and as such adheres to the old values of nobility, feudalism, and knighthood.

Public Agenda

Timer goal is to end the civil war by retaking the capital of Belde and restoring the old order, assumedly with Prince Jurent as king.


The nobility of Timer is expected to serve in the military, they do so from horseback under heavy armor. The vast majority of the Timeri troops however are levied from the local populace, and these foot soldiers unfortunately bare the brunt of the war. A Timeri unit will typically count themselves as 20 knights, but will travel near 100 strong with pikemen, archers, and camp supporters.

Foreign Relations

Being a new state involved in a prolonged civil war, Timer is politically active attempting to court favor in support of its war effort. Other nations are cordial, but avoid taking sides in the civil war.    At war with: Kingdom of Elow
Trading partners: Khiz, Sandia, Free Cities Accord

Agriculture & Industry

When Timer split from Elow, it took with it the northern half of the kingdom, while this included the ore rich hills to the northeast of Uthundun, most of the Farmland of the Elowean Plateau  was still under the control of the Queen.

Trade & Transport

Timer, unsurprisingly given its military focus, has developed a massive metalworking industry. Timeri metal work is considered the most reliable and functional steel not produced in a dwarven forge. The state trades this heavily to supplement its limited agricultural potential.

"A thousand battles. A thousand victories."

Founding Date
1483 DR
Geopolitical, State
Alternative Names
The Principality of Timer
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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