Leidrast (Ley Drast)

Leidrast is an elven mage. They were originally sent to Hagsfall as part of the delegation from Elow. The expedition was to be headed by the archmage, Varis Holimion, but due to a teleportation error, Leidrast was the most senior mage to arrive.  Initially, they were rather hopeless about attempting to secure a working relationship with the people of Hagsfall, but the pervious loyalties of some of the the Frostyear Guardians carried the day. Leidrast agreed to send a group of mages to Hagsfall to study the Ilyrinan Machine.   They are currently remaining in Hagsfall/Ardrest to deal with the Prior Lemast incident.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

They were voluminous blue robes that give little hint of their gender.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Leidrast possesses a particular form of elven beauty that make determining their gender difficult. They personally find it largely inconsequential and give no indication one way or the other.


Leidrast, having spent a entire human life time studying in the Cerulean Tower is among the most educated of people.  They have studied with Rini Daargen but were not particularly close.

Intellectual Characteristics

They are highly intelligent and logical, preferring to think things out before acting. They have been known to convince themselves of forgone conclusions (such as Hagsfall perceiving their position as the weakest of the four powers due to the teleportation accident) and not taking action even when they have a high chance of success.

Morality & Philosophy

Leidrast believes that the world is an ordered system, mages seek to discover and understand the system that is in place. They believe there way to do things and that is normally the simple, honest, law abiding way.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Diplomat to Hagsfall
Current Location
Year of Birth
1384 DR 107 Years old
Pale, blonde
Aligned Organization


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