Cerulean Tower

Founded long ago in the capital of Belde this mage tower, named for the color of the stone and the robes of its members represents the center of human magical learning in the Kindgom of Elow and thus the human kingdoms as a whole. While other magic societies exist, generally the Cerulean Tower is seen to be the oldest and most knowledgeable. Officially politically neutral, due to its location, it has to some extent been swept up into the Elow/Timer Civil War. Most of its members see the call to war as a interruption in their personal studies.


The tower is governed by a single headmaster supported by a council of archmages. Ranks below archmage, including students and researchers, within the tower have their own ranking system, but to those on the outside membership in the tower is generally considered detail enough.

Public Agenda

The tower has two goals: the preservation of knowledge in its large library and the obtaining of new and/or lost knowledge.


The Cerulean Tower is responsible for administering both lay and magic schools throughout the kingdom. For those that are particularly gifted, or can afford it, being trained by a member of the tower carries with it a great honor. Most Elowean nobility will have at least one child educated in this way.
Guild, Mages
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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