Marti, hag

On the morning of her 13th birthday, her true 13th birthday, in 1490, young Marti awake in pain. It was not a physical pain, but the suffering that all hags know, every bit of happiness in Ardrest grated on her. The whispers of her foul hag mother bid her spread malice, and discord among the people. She found herself able to dip into the dreams of the town, twisting and corrupting them.   But the nascent had could not bring herself to turn on the woman that raised her, nor could she forget the stories she had always loved as a child: those of great heroes defeating evil. This form represents Marti at her worst, the hateful being that Bergatha wished to create, an alternate creature that could have been if not for the intervention of the Frostyear Guardians

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born from Adela who suffered horribly at the hands of Bergatha, who then consumed the infant and replaced it with her own monstrous child. The child was then given to Mendra Brighthearth to raise. The dwarf woman's loving parenting flawed the darkness of the night hag, and allowed heroic intervention to save the day.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Prior to the arrival of the Guardians, Marti's tricks as a hag were more mischief than malice. She contributed to the overall negativity of the town of Ardrest, but her only major success was the twisting and warping of Kelvin Underbarrel's dreams, resulting in her twisted conviction that he was saving the town.
Chaotic Evil
Current Status
Date of Birth
20 Ches
Year of Birth
1477 DR 14 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Hag creation ritual
Long, black, stringy, unpleasant
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blacked, twisted, carpaced like an insect
Aligned Organization


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