Mendra Brighthearth (MEN DRA)

Mendra Brighthearth

Mendra Brighthearth is the dwarven proprietress of the Decrepit Crab. She is a source of ale, lodging, gossip, and emotional support for the people of the town.  Despire her reputation as a gossip and a flirt, there is nothing she cares for more than her adoptive daughter, Marti.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ever since Mendra was a young dwarf in Mytwal she knew that she was not the type to stay spend her life in the mines of her people. She had a fascination with the outside world, and particularly the taller folk within in. Her father owned the first Decrepit Crab, and his colorful personality was a staple of Mytwal.  After his death in the fire which also claimed the tavern, Mendra set out to travel the world and experience all the people in it.  She eventually settled in Ardrest and built her own Decrepit Crab which she runs to this day.   Mendra's life changed dramatically on the morning after the Fortyear Festival, 20 Chest, 1477, when on her way back from the forest, she came upon an abandoned human infant. Even in her late 70s, Mendra had never had much desire for children of her own, that quickly changed when she saw the infant. When the infant's parents did not appear in Ardrest to claim her, Mendra named the girl Marti and decided to raise her as her own.   In the end it was only the intervention of the Frostyear Guardians, that saved Marti from her dark fate, something that Mendra will be eternally greatful for.  Years later, Mendra would wonder if her affection for Marti was entirely maternal, part of the hag, Bergatha's magic, or the hand of something far more positive.


Mendra is the full-time owner of the Decrepit Crab, the inn, tavern, and social center of Ardrest. She keeps two young employees: her adoptive daughter, Marti, and Randal's ward, Edward.

Intellectual Characteristics

In the town of Ardrest, Mendra has the reputation as a gossip and a shameless flirt. She has keen senses and never misses a rumor that floats through her tavern. As the purveyor of ale, she is also the town's confidant and therapist. She cares deeply about the people there, particularly Marti, who she sees as her own daughter.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Mendra is a follower of the dwarven godess of Ale, hearth, and hospitality, Harathryn.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1399 DR 92 Years old
Current Residence
4'3'' / 130 cm
Follower of Harathryn
Aligned Organization
Related Reports
Ruled Locations


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