Adela (AH DEL AH)

Princess Adela Pleenast

Second Daughter of King Orlet IV and Jannet Carmond. History will only record her as having died at a young age, but the actual events were far more terrible. Though possessing no claim to the Elowean throne, Adela is survived by her daughter who is barmaid and aspiring adventurer in Hagsfall.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

All in all, Adela's life would have been relatively unremarkable for a middle princess in a kingdom where only princes succeeded the throne, save for the circumstances of her tragic death.   In what would have been a minor, but ultimately not entirely unusual, scandal for a young noblewoman, Adela took a lover and found herself with child in the winter of 1476. Adela refused to identify the father, and King Orlet IV, far more concerned with his son, Prince Furen, sent the girl away to the Temple of Ciuna at Croglen.   She never reached the monastery, because in the woods near Ardrest, Adela's carriage drew the attention of the hag, Bergatha. Bergatha required an infant for her own foul purposes, and in the very pregnant Adela saw an opportunity. What horrors the young royal endured are best left to the imagination, but she survived long enough to give birth to a girl-child (who would come to be named Marti). Bergatha then consumed the newborn as part of her rituals and moved her dark plans closer to fruition.


Family Ties

Father: King Orlet IV
Mother: Jannet Carmond
Siblings: Jenefer, Emony, Prince Furen
Child: Marti 
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Second Princess of Elow
1460 DR 1477 DR 17 years old
Circumstances of Death
Very unplesant
Place of Death
Ardrest, Bergatha's Lair
Aligned Organization


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