Mivia Material in Sarazi | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

Mivia is a rare plant with an enchanting appearance, characterized by its slender stalks and delicate, star-shaped leaves. It grows up to a height of three feet, and its foliage is a vibrant shade of iridescent blue, reflecting an ethereal glow when bathed in moonlight. Mivia's petals are translucent, with a slight opalescent sheen, and they emit a soothing fragrance reminiscent of a mix of lavender and jasmine. The plant blooms only once every five years, during which it produces a single large flower that resembles a radiant sapphire.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Mivia possesses both healing and deadly properties, making it a highly sought-after and enigmatic plant. When touched, its petals have a gentle warmth, conveying a sense of comfort and tranquility. However, prolonged contact can cause a numbing sensation and even induce mild hallucinations. The sap of Mivia is mildly acidic, capable of causing a burning sensation if exposed to the skin. Although not inherently flammable, the plant emits a luminous glow when exposed to certain magical energies.


Mivia is a key ingredient in various alchemical mixtures and potions. Its petals are used in the creation of healing elixirs, while the sap serves as a catalyst for potent antidotes and poisons. In culinary practices, Mivia petals are an exquisite addition to teas, providing a calming effect and enhancing flavor profiles. Alloys created with Mivia-infused metal exhibit enhanced durability and magical conductivity, making them highly sought after by skilled craftsmen.

Geology & Geography

Mivia is an incredibly elusive plant, found only in the heart of The World Tree's forest. The World Tree itself is a mystical realm shrouded in enchantments and inhabited by magical creatures. Mivia requires a specific combination of fertile soil, ambient magical energy, and a balanced climate to thrive. The plant can only be found growing in these conditions, and has not been found to grow anywhere else, even if replanted.

Origin & Source

Legends claim that Mivia's origins can be traced back to the birth of the world itself. It is believed that the goddess of nature, Cyia, gifted this plant to the world to provide balance between life and death, healing and harm. Mivia is considered a sacred plant, and its presence in The World Tree's Forest is seen as a manifestation of Cyia's blessings upon the land.

Life & Expiration

Mivia is a remarkably stable plant, capable of retaining its potency for many years. Its healing properties are long-lasting, and the petals retain their vibrant color and fragrance even after drying. However, the deadly effects of prolonged exposure to Mivia increase over time, making it crucial to handle the plant with care. The sap, in particular, loses its effectiveness within a year if not properly stored.

History & Usage


The discovery of Mivia is shrouded in mystery. According to ancient manuscripts, it was a group of wandering healers who stumbled upon the plant while navigating the The World Tree's Forest. Guided by a series of prophetic dreams, they ventured deep into the forest until they discovered the sacred grove where Mivia grew. The healers dedicated themselves to studying the plant's properties and unlocking its secrets, leading to a deeper understanding of its dual nature.

Everyday use

Mivia is primarily used in healing arts and potion-making. Its petals are harvested and carefully dried to create powders used in medicinal preparations, promoting swift healing and regeneration. The sap is meticulously extracted to create potent antidotes and poisons, depending on the desired effect. Mivia-infusedalloys are highly valued among craftsmen and enchanters for creating magical artifacts and weapons with enhanced properties.

Cultural Significance and Usage

to Cyia's Children Mivia holds immense cultural significance. It is revered as a symbol of balance and the delicate interplay between life and death. The plant is often used in sacred rituals and ceremonies conducted by healers, who believe that Mivia channels the blessings of Cyia, Goddess of Nature herself. The kingdom of Laolisa's people celebrate a grand festival every five years when Mivia blooms, honoring its healing and transformative properties.


Mivia requires careful refinement to extract its beneficial properties. The petals are delicately plucked and air-dried, ensuring their purity and potency. During this process, a fragrant oil is extracted from the petals, which is used in the creation of perfumes and healing salves. The remaining plant material, including the stems and leaves, is often composted or used as a natural fertilizer due to its enriching properties for other plants.


While Mivia offers healing and transformative qualities, it also poses hazards if mishandled. Prolonged exposure to its sap can cause severe burns and induce hallucinations. Direct contact with the plant's petals may numb the skin temporarily, leading to sensory disorientation. It is essential for individuals handling Mivia to wear protective gloves and take necessary precautions to avoid any adverse effects.



To maintain Mivia's efficacy, proper storage is crucial. Dried petals should be stored in airtight containers away from direct sunlight, moisture, and excessive heat. The sap, on the other hand, requires storage in sealed vials, shielded from light and extreme temperatures. These measures help preserve the plant's healing properties and prevent any unintended reactions.

Law & Regulation

Due to the potent and potentially dangerous nature of Mivia, strict regulations on its usage and distribution have been implemented. Only licensed healers and alchemists are permitted to handle and work with Mivia. Unauthorized harvesting or trade of the plant is strictly prohibited and punishable by law. The kingdom's governing body closely monitors the cultivation and harvesting of Mivia to ensure its sustainable use and preserve the delicate balance within the The World Tree's forest.
Mivia emits a soothing fragrance reminiscent of a blend of lavender and jasmine.
Mivia petals have a subtle, floral taste with hints of sweetness and a touch of earthiness.
The petals of Mivia are a vibrant shade of iridescent blue, reflecting an ethereal glow when illuminated.
Common State
Mivia is found in a flowering state, with its petals and sap being the most sought-after components.


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