The Tree of Life Geographic Location in Sarazi | World Anvil
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The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a large tree, stretching high up into the clouds, with large roots said to dig miles underground. The tree itself is in a very secluded part of Murgland and nowadays no one who attempts to visit this place ever returns. 


The Tree of Life is located in the western section of Murgland, just before the large and vast rolling hills that sperate Murgland from Naria and Obu. The Tree of Life itself is surrounded by a very large river with powerful rapids that have been known to rip apart any vessel, or person that had attempted to cross it. Past the river the Tree is in the heart of a dense jungle, with no man-made trails through this jungle, it proves dangerous for anyone who tries to traverse it.

Localized Phenomena

At the base of The Tree of Life, there is a large pool of water, this pool is where The Tree of Life gets its name. This water is rumored to be able to cure any ailment and heal any wound on those who submerge inside this holy water.


The Tree of Life was discovered long ago by the first people who settled in Murgland and was said to be a holy site, given to the people of Murgland by Cyia, The Goddess of Nature . However, after these settlers continually used the water for themselves, the land around the tree began to change. Presumed to be a punishment given by Cyia, one day, it is said that the jungle and river around this place appeared out of nowhere, locking the power of the tree away.
Alternative Name(s)
The Oasis


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