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The Hundri-Zunthr Schism

Long ago, the Hundri and the Zunthr were once one single tribe spanning what is now the two territories. At some point during their history, two factions emerged amongst the members of the tribe, one that advocated for domination of the Basin, and another that wished for peace among the tribes. In a violent schism, the two factions split, and with the aid of the Derash the group now known as the Zunthr were defeated and pushed aside to the relatively infertile south-western portion of the Basin.   Much later, after the Battle of the Peak, the Hundri and Zunthr reunited along with several others of the Collga and Kollin tribes to form what is now Luthal, ending the generations-long schism between the two tribes.   A small portion of Zunthr tribespeople did not agree with this union, chief among them being Garth. Garth gathered a number of Zunthr to him and departed the day the unification was announced to form his own tribe, now known as the Zunthiri.






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