Mortal Life

  • Formali: Emma's story starts with her at 17. She runs away from her home near Stokkseyri in the Skalholt See, by disguising herself as a a man.
  • The Man from Kaupang
  • Flyja: As a man Emma has to negotiate passage on a ship, and then sail to Hamburg, Germany, traveling for fifteen days without giving herself away. During that time no one recognizes her, and she is forced to prove her abilities as a sailor. All of this is done to get to Hamburg.
  • Falith: In Hamburg, she is accosted at the docks when a captain from the Hanseatic League tried to force her (while disguised as a man) to serve on his ship, for a half-share. An English military captain (in disguise as a trader captain) spoke for her (as a him) and denounced the "Hansa Fiend" for trying to steal his crewman. After the "trader" ship leaves port, she finds out that she has unknowingly signed on to fight for the English crown.
  • Strith: Emma participates in the Italian Wars until her ship is sunk.
  • Frelsi: Emma is free. She has been discharged from the English Navy. What happens next is her sandbox.
  • Dauthur: Emma is captured by a Vampire and kept as a plaything. The weird thing is that she's seen him before - on the docks in Hamburg. She stays his until one of their deaths.

  • Articles under Mortal Life


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