
Emma participates in the Italian Wars until her ship, the HMS Mary Rose is sunk.

Plot points/Scenes

To War!

Emma, disguised as Erik, sails from Hamburg, to Portsmouth, England, to War in Boulogne. Discussed further in subplot article: The Siege of Boulogne.

For England!

Emma, disguised as Erik, sails from Boulogne to protect supplies coming over from England for the Duke of Norfolk. Discussed further in subplot article: The Siege of Calais

Raising the Siege

Emma, disguised as Erik, sails from the Strait of Dover back to Boulogne to stop the siege of Boulogne by the Dauphin Henry II. Discussed further in subplot article: Again?!


At this point the plot enters a false end. After the Second Siege of Boulogne, the Mary Rose is damaged and needs repair, and the crew have faced too many casualties. They return to Portsmouth, and "Erik" is given shoreleave "until called again to service." Now "Erik" and "Julianne" get on with the business of making a life for themselves. This is explored more in the plot On Safe Shores.

The Battle of the Solent

Our story The Battle of the Solent happens here.

Articles under Strið


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