The Battle of the Solent

The French invade England! The HMS Mary Rose is roused from her docks and assigned a new Captain - Vice Admiral George Carew, a man in his first command. As the crew rush to the defense of Portsmouth and England, 200 French Ships are sailing into the The Solent.



  • On the 18th of July, The King visits Portsmouth with the Mary Rose's new captain! As a Royal Navy officer, Vice Admiral George Carew, rides in with his retinue to take charge the whispers on the streets say that the old captain was drummed out and this new commander sails with the King's own favor.
  • Time to get underway. "Erik" has been called back to service! Survival test to make sure all of 'his' kit is good to go, then it is time to board.
  • Conflict

  • The Priest is back on board and glaring murderously at 'Erik'. The Vice Admiral has appointed new officers, Erik is demoted and his accomplishments degraded. The ship sails into the Solent.
  • Rising Action

  • The English ships sail into formation. (Survival check)
  • The English attempt to overawe the French. (Intimidation check)
  • The Mary Rose makes to attack. Given the range of the attack, neither side deals too much damage. Neither side can close, as there is no wind. (Down and Dirty, Chance Die)
  • The battle continues at distance into the night. The flagship, Henry Grace a Dieu, hangs back as the King dines. Night turns to day as the fight continues with guns blazing on both sides.
  • On the 19th the Mary Rose tacks into a light wind to reposition closer as galleys move from the French to attack. (Perception check, Survival check with -5)
  • On a failure, history happens. On a success, the galley rumor was true. The netting over the top is soaked and heavy, entangling the sailors and dragging them down. (Athletics check with -5)
  • Climax

  • Emma, bedraggled and half-drowned, is hauled from the waters in the remnants of her uniform. She is immediately arrested for impersonating a member of the King's Navy and thrown into prison to await her death at the headsman. The King who was nearby, can hear her pleading. (Persuasion check)
  • The King orders her transferred, either he is intrigued or he wants to witness her death as a lying woman gets what she deserves.
  • Emma is transferred to a different terrible prison, and is forced to fight to preserve her dignity.(Down and Dirty)
  • Falling Action

  • Emma is granted a Perception check to notice anything, then, battered and bruised Emma is dragged before the King. She has one chance to get out of it. (Persuasion opposed by Willpower)
  • Resolution

  • No matter the outcome, Emma is dragged back to Prison. The next day she dies or is freed.
  • Parent Plot
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