The Siege of Calais

The HMS Mary Rose and her Crew must fight French and Mercenary forces committing piracy on English supply ships in the Strait of Dover.

Plot points/Scenes

The vessel makes this run for a month at a time before putting in to port. That's an extended Survival test requiring 10 successes, repeated three times.

For every 5 days that passes of sailing, which means twice per extended survival test, the Watch make a Perception test. Success means they spot an enemy ship.

Every Enemy Ship begins engagement at Extreme Range. The Chase happens, the The Battle.
  • The Chase: Each ship has a relative speed rating, in knots. The HMS Mary Rose's is 3. Others have more or less, mostly more. The chase is handled as per normal chase rules.
  • The battle begins at Extreme (personal) Range. Ranged weapons and cannons can dish out a lot of damage. Combat is handled Down & Dirty. One roll per ship, winner takes all, difference in successes is the number of officers and percentage of crew killed or injured on the losing side.
  • Resolution: After Combat, each ship makes a general Stamina + Training roll, successes reduce casualties from the success difference. A single Success over the required number means that no one was injured, it was purely the Ship that took damage. Ship damage is calculated based on successes + the damage rating of the guns - durability for each side, and the number is applied to the ship's Hull. Sank ships are worth nothing. Damaged ships are worth their value minus 1, heavily damaged ships = value - 2. That amount is paid to each character as Equipment (Cash) at equal rating.
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