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Sacred Valley

The Sacred Valley (originally called Glenarm Valley), is located in today's Reign of Sobral; already the first inhabitants realized that in the valley there was a mystical atmosphere, which instilled a sense of peace in the inhabitants. This meant that, from time immemorial, various deities began to be worshiped in the valley.

At the time of the battle between the new gods and the ancient myths, the valley was saved from devastation by the heroes, not yet divinities, inspired the inhabitants to found, as a sign of gratitude, the first temple in all of Valenor dedicated to the worship of the Gods of Valenor, the The Primeval Temple, located in the center of the valley.

Later, here took place (to protect this temple) the final battle between Ancient Myths and the emerging divinities, with the death of the monstrous Dagon.

To this day, the place where the titanic body dissolved retains the indelible stain of its corruption. The Shadow of Dagon will be forever a devastated place where nothing can grow.

Over time the valley has become increasingly rich and adorned with statues, temples and structures designed to welcome pilgrims who come here from all over the world.

During the period of the Imperial dominion, the inhabitants and the priests were expelled from the valley in an attempt to make it forget, and with it the gods themselves. Many temples were destroyed and looted, but the Primeval Temple, placed under the direct protection of the Emperor, was never violated.

Many priests and faithful have managed to return to the temples, as the grip of the imperial domain loosened and with the liberation of part of the Kingdom of Sarleris, the valley has returned to new life and regained its importance, becoming a destination again. of pilgrimages.

Natural Wonder
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Related Myths

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