
Beautiful, generally tall, pointy-eared and youthful in appearance, elves are a variable and sleek race. They have greater reactions and finesse than their human brethren, as well as generally enhanced strength, but unlike humans, they do not use their arcana nodes for in-born magic.   Instead, elves are usually born without magic, and those who are have the gift of anti magic, the ability to nullify or hijack another person's arcane power. In addition, elves can learn spellwork like any other magically capable species.   Elves are the only species other than humans capable of becoming thread hosts. While they cannot become infested enough to become kogane, that does not mean they're safe from falling. Fallen thread hosted elves are generally called Jianshi by the forest elves of Oukina Mori.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Elven facial features are variable, but continuously growing features like noses grow at a slower rate, and wrinkles are less pronounced, leading to an overall more youthful appearance. Their ears are long and pointed, with wisps of hair at the tips.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Elves exist across much of the world; throughout the Madaki nations of Southern Amerist, dominating the island nation of Elarond, as both white (high) elves and forest elves in Yukishima, and of course, in the melting pot that is Arkhera. In Oukina Mori and Kakajua, mostly endemic subspecies known as Forest Elves and Kakajuan Elves exist, while the other populations are generally a mix of high and dark elves, with hybrids between the two common subspecies known as 'grey elves' occasionally surfacing.

Average Intelligence

Most elves, like humans, are capable of self awareness, empathy, problem solving and innovation.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Elven naming conventions varies wildly between ethnicity, culture, social class, and subspecies. More specific naming conventions will be elaborated on in the elven subspecies applicable.

Major Organizations

United Kingdom of Elarond (Elarond)
Principality of Oukina Mori (Yukishima)
Royal Electorate of Arkhera (Arkhera)
Blue Division of the Order of the Shade (Arkhera)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves have been oppressed by humans in both Madaki and Yukishiman society, but in Elarondian society have proven that with societal dominance they are just as capable of oppression, massacring Malassaian immigrant goblins. Elarondian immigrants massacred the Isle of Ver'ghan's native seer population and renamed it to Sanguinas Isle, and elven pirates oppress Wor'ghanese beastmasters to this day. The general rule of thumb appears to be that native species should never trust a fleet of elf-run ships; the chances of being victims of ethnic cleansing increases tenfold.   Despite the crimes of their ancestors, Arkheran elves are currently in a state of relative peace, and elven right have progressed in Yukishima, though they are still second class citizens in Madaki nations.
Scientific Name
Homo pulchris
Kakajuan Humanoid
70-120 years
Average Height
5'6'' to 6'10''
Average Physique
Beautiful and youthful by default, males with a muscular but boyish figure and women with youthful, slender figures. Overweight elves tend to appear as though they have baby fat rather than older human-like fat.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Variable depending on subspecies. Dark and Kakajuan elves have charcoal-to-deep-brown skin tone, while high elves are peach white. Forest elves are brown skinned and occasionally brindled.


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