Forest Elf

The most unique of the elven subspecies that can be considered a truly variable population (unlike their Kakajuan cousins), forest elves make up the vast majority of Oukina Mori's sentient life. Short, toned, dappled and adapted for vertical living, the only things they share with their dark and high elven counterparts are their pointy ears and relative youthfulness.   They're natural conduits of the Thread, the multidimensional parasite that has consumed the mystical forest they reside in, using it both to enhance their abilities and ultimately falling susceptible to it. Natural elven anti magic has given way to all manner of thread-enabled magic, as well as a natural empathic connection formed between all members of a forest elven community. This mandatory reliance on thread and strong protective instinct for their communities has resulted in a species of humanoid known for their disdain of outsiders and their tendency to hate or accept anything as a single unit.   Unfortunately, the Thread subverts a forest elven community's natural concern for each other when a member of a community 'falls'. When a forest elf falls, they do not become an all-powerful oni as a human kogane would, but instead become a much less powerful jianshi. What they lack in power, however, they make up for in intelligence and cooperation, as once one member of the village falls, others close to the victim are quick to follow, until a set of fallen Thread hosts, all psychologically linked, are arranged, ready to ravage other forest elven settlements.   Despite their susceptibility to the blight upon their home, the forest elves are survivors by trade, fiercely protecting each other with peerless archery skill and unrivaled cooperation, willing to show any intruders to their villages the wilderlands beyond if their trust isn't earned.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Their eyes are near-universally green, wide and large-pupilled due to the dim lighting within the forest. Their noses and chin strength is one of the few traits that appear to be variable, and their ears are slightly shorter than most elves.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Forest elves are endemic to Oukina Mori, the thread-infested mystic forest in the northern half of Yukishima. Occasionally a forest elf may emigrate, but these are fringe cases that breed out within the generation.

Average Intelligence

Forest elves are largely sapient, however they have a slightly reduced capacity for scepticism and challenging of authority, as in Oukina Mori, survival requires cooperation and following orders. They have a natural empathic link with other forest elves from their community, which forces a strong protective instinct for their community and a strong dislike of outsiders.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Forest elves have a traditional Yukishiman naming system. Those with noble lineage have their family name firsst, but most only have one name. Their names are similar to lower class Soltelle citizens.   Male name examples: Jin, Keiichi, Suzano'o, Setsuki, Takkai, Majin.
Female name examples: Kasumi, Makoto, Aiko, Kaname, Miki, Hinata.

Major Organizations

Principality of Oukina Mori (Yukishima)
Kusari Clan (Yukishima)
Yorushi Clan (Yukishima)
Ayamasu Clan (Yukishima)
Mizuyaka Clan (Yukishima)
Fumayo Clan (Yukishima)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The only consistent interspecies interactions forest elves partake in are with the Mori family, a group of human kogane who act as emissaries to the god of their forest, Oukina Mori. They are deferential to the Moris, who in turn appreciate loyalty and obedience from their subjects, while respecting their autonomy. Their opinion of extra-forest humanoids, however, ranges from sceptical to hostile.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo pulchris silvanis
Kakajuan Humanoid
60-100 years.
Average Height
Average Physique
Forest elves are diminutive, especially compared to other elves, and tend to be thin, but wirey and toned. This is because their environment requires extensive climbing and vertical living.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All forest elves are brown skinned, occasionally dappled, so as to blend in with the foliage of Oukina Mori's dangerous forests. Their hair is a muddy red and their eyes a striking green, in aid of camouflage that still allows for quick recognition as allies from fellow sharp-eyed forest elves.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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