Kakajuan Elf

Exceedingly beautiful, tall, and perpetually youthful, the all-female Kakajuan elves are a mysterious society that sprouted from within the mystic isle of Kakajua, thought to be the cradle of mankind. While it is known that the Kakajuan elves come from a single specimen altered by the God of Kakajua, none are quite sure how they were altered. The few emigrated Kakajuan elves have demonstrated to scholars an extremely high proficiency in spellwork, an ability to self-impregnate with a perfect clone of themselves, and the ability to grant themselves eternal youth by 'sharing their years with the trees'.   As a rule, Kakajuan elven society is harmonious, well-meaning and kind, which means emigrated Kakajuan elves are uniquely susceptible to exploitation, manipulation, and overall evil despite their well-meaning intentions. For some reason, emigrated Kakajuan elves are quite amused and excited about the existence of the Yukishiman religion, the Church of the Mother.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Kakajuan elves invariably have small noses, straight, smooth black hair, and unusually luminous pink eyes. They all grow up to more or less completely resemble their mothers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kakajuan elves are endemic to the Mystic Isle of Kakajua, and while they occasionally leave the isle, their innocence often leads to them being killed or taken advantage of. They also tend to hybridise when beyond Kakajua, rendering the race as effectively restricted to Kakajua.

Average Intelligence

Kakajuan elves are disarmingly innocent, but still sapient, imaginative, and abundantly empathetic. They tend to struggle with deception and cynicism, owing to their almost perfectly harmonious society when on their island.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Kakajuan elves only have female members of their species, and their naming appears to lack consistency. Some members are known to shift their names over their lifetime, akin to orcs.   Female name examples: Yin, Salax, Junya, Xin, Lentaq, Kira.

Major Organizations

Temple of Kakajua (Kakajua)
Church of the Mother (Yukishima)

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In general, Kakajuan elves ignore the rest of the world. They sometimes have cordial relations with their neighbouring mainland, Nandani, due to the nation's similar peacefulness, but otherwise, emigration and international relations are rare. Emigrated Kakajuan elves can find themselves being exploited or taken advantage of by the harsher societies of the world.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo pulchris stabilis
Kakajuan Humanoid
As long as they please (lifespan is extensible by spellwork)
Average Height
Average Physique
All Kakajuan elves are clones of each other and exposed to similar diets and conditions, so most of them are exactly the same in form. They're always female, statuesque, full-figured, and beautiful beings that exemplify stereotypical humanoid desires for femininity.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Kakajuan elves without exception have dark skin, black hair, and luminous pink eyes.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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