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  The tsirin species (plural: wetsirin) are a subset of Ilyannoi, a race of highly varied creatures made by the first emperor of Eoion, Ilya Shiroko, who perfected the magic known as stitching.   Ilyannnoi were instrumental in Ilya's rise to power and were used first during his liberation of Ulena. His tsirin was the first of its kind and became famous as the eventual emperor's battle mount. After the empire was fully established, tsirini became the symbol of the new royal family and their status as rulers.   Ilya taught his son to make the Ilyannoi, particularly the tsirin. When Emperor Sava I took the throne, he made a tsirin in the image of his father's and when his son, Ilya II, came to power, he did as well, solidifying the tradition of the new ruler creating a tsirin. While Ilya's original tsirin was female, the gender of the ruler's creature is unimportant when the ruler makes one.

Famous Tsirin

  • Soloia- Ilya I's tsirin, the first of her kind, and the one all future tsirini are meant to represent and imitate. Powerful in air magic and said to have been able to summon kilometer wide tornadoes at will
  • Anatoy- tsirin of Empress Natalay, the first to have wings. while this deviated significantly from Ilya's original design, wings would become a staple of Natalay's Ilyannoi (she was the first to create flying members of the species to be used in combat)
  • Yakuga- Empress Inna's tsirin, able to use two elements with equal strength (light and void), famous among the children of the empire as a gentle guardian
  • Makar- tsirin of the current emperor, Taras Shiroko, aside from gender (male) closely resembles Soloia in terms of size and power, highly skilled in heat magic

Basic Information


All tsirin are based on the original created by the first emperor. As such, they all share similar traits. All tsirin have four muscular horse-like limbs with hooves at the end. Their bodies are a cross between a large cat and horse. They are generally green-blue, although some have become more of one than the other. The original tsirin was extremely pale blue, but they have tended darker in coloration since Ilya's death.    Most have two large antlers that point backward. Some have had an additional horn facing forward. Long beard-like fur lines their jaws and they often have a pair one especially long hairs on either side that are used for sensing vibrations in the air.    Their teeth are sharp, more like a large cat than a horse and their bodies are covered in a mixture of scales and fur. The exact ration of each and design of the natural armor is dependent on the ruler making that particular tsirin. Most often, the scales are seen on snout and front of the legs. Long fur is found on their tails and behind their legs, although this is not always the case. Tails can be left without fur as well, as was seen with Ilya's tsirin. The first use tail fur was his son.

Genetics and Reproduction

Tsirin are created through a magical process known as Stitching, a field of magic invented by Emperor Ilya Shiroko I.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The tsirin are only found in the Golden City. When the ruler leaves the palace, their tsirin will travel with them. This is the only time they are seen in other locations.

Average Intelligence

While tsirin cannot speak as humans can, they are able to understand human speech if taught from birth. As they are almost always with their masters, this is simple. They are able to communicate with their masters through gesture, rumbling, and roaring. The creator of the tsirin can understand them on a much deeper level than others due to the marker bond.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Tsirin are able to hear and see at much greater distances than humans. Their top speed has been recorded at between 70 and 80mph, although legend states that Ilya's tsirin was able to attain 85 to 90mph. This speed combined with their sight and hearing allow them to take in a great deal of information about their surroundings at once.    Most are capable of some essence magic. As they are created from a combination of light and heat essence, these are the two they are often attuned to. However, there have been documented instances of a tsirin having an affinity for other essences as well. In particular, the tsirin of Empress Inna I was an aliquesh with the ability to use void and light magic.    These abilities are not as extensive as humans and are generally used for the defense of their creator. While not as intricate, they are able to draw on larger amounts of power, leading to greater strength in their attacks.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
50 years
Conservation Status
Tsirin are considered national symbols. To harm one, or even a depiction of one, is a capitol offense.
Average Height
The average Tsirin is approximately 2-2.5m tall.
Average Weight
Tsirin tend to weigh around one ton.
Average Length
Tsirin are 4-5m long. The back third of the creatures is often taken up by their tail.
Geographic Distribution
Discovered by

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