Hayuba Bhari, the Wheel-Stopping Lord Character in Seven Seals | World Anvil

Hayuba Bhari, the Wheel-Stopping Lord

The Red Lion of Midgard, a legendary Mage-King with exceptional Magical power making him an equal for even the gods themselves.

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford

Great Mage Equal to Heaven, Bhari Evans Sarkari, 3rd of His Name

Physical Description

Special abilities

Inherited Magical Technique: Brahmā, Eyes of Creation

Inherited Magical Technique: Brahmā, Eyes of Creation is an ocular technique limited to Great Magical House Sarkari. Brahma is a technique that allows Bhari to employ five techniques to manipulate energy. SHIVA allows for the destruction of Magical Energy; MAYA facilitates impressive psionic powers; VISHNU allows for the manipulation of energy; GANESHA gives Bhari a form of Cosmic Awareness on all things that affect him; SHAKTI opens portals to the Crucible. All five are at the full disposal of Bhari along with the Avatar of Brahma, a massive avatar that possesses four unique celestial treasures;
  1. Sacred Temporal Japamala: prayer beads used by Brahma to measure time. They can be used as a long-range type of weapon and to bind or protect people or areas with a Temporal field, slowing down any and all threats that approach.
  2. Everlasting Kamandalu of the Universe: an oblong water pot that Brahma can fill with the esscense of Creation. It can be used to peer across the Multiverse to far greater effect than any Diviner can.
  3. Four Vedas Summoning: The four Vedas are four religious texts Brahma carries with him when summoned. They hold a vast collection of lost spells and arcane magic.
  4. Sun Kissed Lotus: a simple lotus plant Celestial Treasure used to bring life and terraform planets or locations.

Specialized Equipment

Nine Sacred Jewels of Navaratna

Around his neck, Bhari wore 9 Enchanted Gems clasped in gold casings. The 9 Gems were stolen from Afenia, the Peak of Radiance by Bhari during the Red Crusade. The Gems each held an impossibly powerful Blessing, an Enchantment bestowed by the Light, and when used in tandem with each other made Bhari equal to the Gods themselves. The Sacred Jewels were encased in gold and are still a symbol of Sarkarian royalty.
  1. Blessing of Eternal Sight: See far beyond your own world, and even time
  2. Blessing of Long Life: Grants extremely long life to the user
  3. Blessing of Immeasurable Vitality: Ancient Majik used to heal even fatal wounds to the body, mind, and spirit
  4. Blessing of 37 Sacred Transformations: Allows for the transformation into any and. or all of the 37 Sacred Beasts of Radiance as well as allowing the user to be killed 37 times before they actually die
  5. Blessing of Heaven's Love: Manipulates probability to give the user uncanny good luck in all aspects of life
  6. Blessing of Sound Mind: shields one's mind from all manipulation and trickery
  7. Blessing of Heaven's Touch: grants immunity to any and all forms of Magic from the Radiance
  8. Blessing of Hidden Sight: Hides the user from all beings in the cosmos who would try to seek them out via Majikal or Technological means
  9. Blessing of Greater Majik: Massively increases the amount and strength of one's own Majikal Energy

Scapple, Doomblade of the Ancients

A Talwar forged by the Rikimaru Clan, Scapple was an impressive weapon that ignored Causality and instead embraced Kháos. The weapon would deliver the full force of its power to a single target on a being or object, ignoring any other physical matter. If an enemy wore invincible armor but Bhari aimed for their heart, Scapple would deal the full brunt of its power to the heart, phasing through all other matters. Hence the name, 'Scapple', is a weapon that demands extreme precision.

The Lionsbane Pelt

The Lionsbane Pelt is the armor of Bhari, made from the hide of a Chimera Beast and Sentient-Steel, the armor is black and gold with the original red mane of the creature erupting from a helmet that resembles the Chimera's open mouth. The armor is self-repairing and possesses unique qualities. It massively increases the physical attributes of Bhari.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bhari was born to Hayuba Madhava Sarkari in the Realm Risauyama with a mutation gifting him all five occular Inherited Magical Techniques of the Risauyama Dynasty. Madhava was manipulated by the royal spymaster, Dahmnir'Hassar, to hide the boy lest Empress Qui'Heem Syn Zabbid CCXVII come to see him and their House as a threat to her power. Thus Bhari was raised in solitude in a remote Realm, a lost planet within Midgard, Ben'Gotti. When the Empress learned of this she had Bhari mutilated and his father killed. Once he was reunited with his eyes, Bhari took command of his Dynasty and waged a massive war on House Zabbid, overthrowing the Heightened Empire and establishing his own, The Celestial Empire.



The Wheel-Stopping Lord

Before Bhari Sarkari founded The Celestial Empire, the Heightened Empire existed, and before Peitry'Hassar Zabbid founded the Hightened Empire, and before that Maximus Ussishkin established the Eternal Empire, and before that was Old King Beowulf who started the Hyguard Empire, and so on and so forth. It was a wheel that turned and turned, set into motion by some lord or queen or tyrant so far back none can recall. But Bhari grabbed the wheel and stopped it, his would be the last of the great Empires, this he swore. Their name would not be logged aimlessly in the annals of history like Zabbid, Ussishkin, or Beowulf. They would last.

Family Ties

  • Madhava Sarkari (Father)
  • Ushanti Baruah (Mother)
  • Kalyani Sarkari II (Older Sister, 1st of Her Name)
  • Kusika Sarkari (Older Brother, 2nd of His Name)
  • Frankie McAllistir (Wife)
The eldest child of Lord Frasir of House McAllistir, Yinsama Frankie was a highly trained assassin and tactician, she married her Lord-Husband shortly after he openly declared war on the Heightened Throne. Frankie was responsible for re-organizing the 81 Nobel Houses under her command into Great Magical House Sarkari. She also founded and formed both the Sabbid-Nin and Lionsguard military orders. Bhari considered her his left hand, often taking her word over his council as he valued her educated insight and experience.
  • Finlei Sarkari (Daughter, 1st of Her Name)
  • Jataya Sarkari (Son, 2nd of His Name)
Jataya McAllistir Sarkari, the wayward son. Jataya was Bhari's first son with exceptional ability regarding his SHIVA technique and explosive Magical output. He was a prodigy by all means, second only to his older sister Finlei. However, he and Bhari disagreed over a particular matter which resulted in his banishment. Bhari died before he and Jataya could reconcile.
  • Madhava Sarkari Ⅱ (Son, 3rd of His Name)
  • Fhoibi Sarkari (Daughter, 4th of Her Name)
  • Fwenn Sarkari (Son, 5th of His Name)
  • Simrin Sarkari (Daughter, 6th of Her Name)
  • Henriette Maleficum (Concubine)
Henriette was a Maiden and the concubine of Bhari, by whom he had no less than seven children. Yinsama Henriette and her seven children would create a branch family from the Royal Family, House Maleficum, and serve as trusted allies for years to come.
  • Bharison Maleficum (Son, 1st of His Name)
Bharison, proudly named after his Lord Father. Though he was born of a concubine, Bharison was well-received within the regal family, primarily for his capabilities, level-headedness, and ambition.
  • Mistral Maleficum (Son, 2nd of His Name)
  • Euphenia-Queen Maleficum (Daughter, 3rd of Her Name)
  • Regina Maleficum (Daughter, 4th of Her Name)
  • Isidora Maleficum (Daughter, 5th of Her Name)
  • Gloryia-Queen Maleficum (Daughter, 6th of Her Name)
  • Altair-Wayde Maleficum (Son, 7th of His Name)

Religious Views

For someone who had defiled the celestial on multiple occasions, Bhari still kept faith with The Holy Order. Although this was not out of moral obligation rather logical reasoning. Defying a few pantheons here or there was nothing, but to defy The Holy Order, the same rhime and reason of Yggdrasil would invoke the full wrath of The Heavenly Host and Her Grace, Hasadiah the First Name of God. Bhari was ambitious but not arrogant, he knew his limits, and the wrath of God was beyond his abilities.


Yinsama Frankie

Lady-Wife (Vital)

Towards Hayuba Bhari, the Wheel-Stopping Lord



Hayuba Bhari, the Wheel-Stopping Lord

Lord-Husband (Vital)

Towards Yinsama Frankie



Wealth & Financial state

Bhari was a rich man, possibly one of the wealthiest in recorded history. His House, Sarkari, was already significantly rich from their military and merchant industry, although they suffered a significant blow when they waged war with the Heightened Throne. During the Red Crusade, Bhari more than made up for their losses with the spoils of war. He had serval Galaxies and 18 Minor Realms that he plundered and brought into his fold. The Red Keep is a planet-vault where Bhari stored the massive riches he gathered. It is guarded by a fearsome Hydra in the eye of a cosmic storm and is where Bhari's tomb lies.
House Sarkari Shield depicting a crowned roaring lion

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Wheel-Stopping Lord
  • The Khimaira King
  • Great Mage Equal to Heaven
  • Mage of 8 Arts
  • Hayuba of Risauyama
  • Sword Saint
Date of Birth
The 27th of Segment K of the 2nd Rising (The True & Hallowed Holy Calendar)
Circumstances of Birth
The 1st person to ever be born with the Brahma Technique
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Yad E. Sarkari, Son of Erik, Blood of Ragnar
Realm Risauyama
Place of Death
Realm Risauyama, Royal Palace
Yinsama Frankie (Lady-Wife)
Current Residence
Planet Preolliarial, Tomb-World where Bhari's vast riches and his grave lies, guarded by a Hydra in the eye of a cosmic storm
He | Him
Long + Wild + Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
250 Lbs.
Aligned Organization

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS

  1. Article, World, & Icons made with Bannersnack (FREE)
  2. Character Portraits & Landscapes made with ArtBreeder (FREE)
  3. External Family Tree Tool is FamilyEcho (FREE)
  4. Unique Symbols & Signs from Cool Symbols (FREE)
  5. Various Fantasy Names generated from Fantasy Name Generator (FREE)
  6. Sci-Fi inspired names & Generators via Donjon (FREE)
  7. Flags & Shields made with Armonia (FREE)
  8. Most art is AI generated with https://www.midjourney.com/home/
— tab]https://www.midjourney.com/home/but is not free.