
The Inagawa-kai appeared on the scene soon aft er the split. They began cutting a bloody swath through Yokohama clashing with the Kodachi, and then moving into Chiba where they crossed swords with the Watada-gumi. After joining the Wanibuchi-rengo, the Inagawa-kai moved their operations into Mita territory to take advantage of the perceived weakness of that gumi. The choice to let a metahuman gumi join our rengo met with a lot of resistance, but Wanibuchi has been very supportive of the organization.
Of course Wanibuchi signed them up. The Inagawa-kai are deadly, fearless, and out to prove that a meta can play Yakuza just as well as anyone. It’s like releasing a trained dog on your enemy.
— Fatima


The group is led by Michizane Oi, an elf who spent the last three decades in Newark working for the Green Serpent Guard of the Nagato Combine—Honjowara-gumi. Despite the obvious stance on race in the Yakuza, the Inagawa-kai is a very traditional group. They follow all the old structures for respectfulness and organization. Where they differ from the pack is their war party structure. The Inagawa-kai almost exclusively uses ninja to carry out their operations against other groups. Most higher-level kobun are trained as ninja, a fact that becomes obvious if you try to deal with them head on. The training and the symbolism the group uses leads me to believes that they were born out of the Oni do kai, a school of ninja (in)famous for being the only one to train metas.
Oi is the son of Samba Oi of Mitsuhama. Samba offered his son to the Green Serpent Guard as a way to get him out of Tokyo during a time when having metahuman offspring not only meant the end of your career but jeopardized the future of your family name.
— Mr. Bonds


Harajuku is home to the Inagawa-kai. Once the domain of the Mita, Harajuku has embraced the weirdness of its new syndicate. In an area where it is common to see someone sporting leopard spots and a tail, an ork is still out of place, but not so much as in the rest of the sprawl.

Principal Operations

The Inagawa-kai are into protection rackets and street level sokaiya. They use their race as a weapon, sending troll kobun to company shareholder meetings to sit down and vote the gumi’s shares. Companies would rather pay than lose face by having a troll in the shareholder meetings. These operations are highly contested by non-Yakuza organized crime interests in Yokohama, particularly members of the Red Dragon Triad and the Bratva.
The syndicate has come under heavy fire from the traditionalists and even some of their own rengo mates. Not everyone is ready to see an elven oyabun sitting at the table.
— Baka Dabora
Parent Organization


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