
The Yakuza I joined is not the same organization that our fathers used to speak about with such reverence. The “New Way” consists of the younger and more rebellious Yakuza. Our new evolution of the Yakuza tradition is innovative, aggressive, and willing to takes risks in order to turn a profit, while also being willing to include those who are not like us. The fledging Inagawa-kai is an example of how we have begun to embrace the disenfranchised into the fold.
Working with the Wanibuchi-Rengo feels more like a fraternity than the top tier of a multinational criminal organization. At the head of the table sits Tomu Wanibuchi, Odaiba native and general asshole. Despite this obvious personality flaw he maintains control of the gumi through, believe it or not, democracy. Unlike the Watada-Rengo, the heads of the gumi under Wanibuchi form a kind of board of directors with each member getting a vote to determine the future actions of the Rengo.
Though smaller than the Watada-rengo, our rengo acts as one. Even in terms of nawabari there is great room for overlap as different gumi have different strengths. We will allow another gumi to operate in our territory so long as they are operating within a market that is our weakness and their strength. This is no truer than in AR crime where the Wanibuchi-gumi controls most of Neo-Tokyo.
The Wanibuchi-rengo actively recruits the disenfranchised, including women, metahumans, technomancers, and the Awakened—even half-breeds. Disappointingly, many of our New Way gumi don’t maintain the same respect for the community the traditionalists do and tend toward displays of violence.
One of the sore points between the two rengo right now is the Emperor: both the New Way and the Old School Yakuza are highly nationalistic, but while the New Way are extremely supportive of the Emperor’s progressive agenda, the more conservative Old School is displeased by the disruption of the status quo.
— Janus
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