
One of the youngest and most modern of the Yakuza syndicates operating in Neo-Tokyo, the Wanibuchi-gumi have adopted many tenets of the New Way while focusing on non-traditional business methods to further their interests. This combination of youth and audacity has been both highly criticized and praised by senior kobun in the Mita- and Watada-gumi.
The Wanibuchi fortune came from a consortium of software companies backed by Mita-gumi money. In 2050, Tomi Wanibuchi split amicably from the Mita-gumi to form his own syndicate around the corporate islands in Tokyo Bay. Initially focused primarily on international financial dealings, Wanibuchi seized the opportunity presented by the Crash 2.0 to establish itself as the premiere Matrix syndicate in Neo-Tokyo by recruiting heavily from the surviving Matrix gangs and redistributing corporate assets to Matrix service and technology. We provided essential services to the other Yakuza in Neo-Tokyo in the years following the Crash 2.0 and continue to do so within our rengo and outside of it.


My organization is the smallest gumi in Neo-Tokyo, counting less than a hundred kobun acting directly under Oyabun Tomu Wanibuchi and his wakagashira (and wife) “Kinky” Kiku Wanibuchi. Outside of the Inagawa-kai we count the most diverse membership in the metroplex, including a number of women; even a few koborokuru and oni, though no gaijin or half-breeds. Oyabun Wanibuchi employs a number of non-members through three separate computing firms; these wageslaves handle the bulk of our legal and quasi-legal operations.
Less than 100? Hmmm … piece the clues together and we might be able to figure out who this guy is.
— Slamm-0!
You’re assuming this report comes from a real person and not something else. Otaku-Zuku is a technomancer guru, and everything I’ve seen so far could have been culled from Matrix surveillance. It’d be one hell of a fuck-you to have the Yaks digging through their people looking for a mole when none exists.
— Clockwork


Oyabun Wanibuchi has claimed the Odaiba district as the gumi’s physical nawabari, but we operate much more extensively throughout Neo-Tokyo’s Matrix and augmented reality, which I consider our “virtual nawabari.”

Principal Operations

Quasi-legal Matrix activities occupy the bulk of the operations, including a series of offshore online casinos and virtual banks that facilitate large-scale money laundering and international currency exchanges, the sale of bootleg copies of programs and Matrix tech copyrighted in other countries, virtual sex clubs such as the Moonlight Hentai Garden, and information brokerage.
To our credit we have also extended the traditional Yakuza protection rackets into the virtual marketplace, offering increased virtual security to a number of businesses and individuals within their purview. In order to show the need for protection we regularly engage in data piracy and breaking copyright locks. We also dabble in creating and distributing BTL programs. Our principal competitions in these areas are independent hackers and the Matrix-oriented Korean Jo-pok.
Parent Organization


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