
The Kodachi-gumi are one of the most feared Yakuza syndicates in Neo-Tokyo. They prefer to maintain their control with a heavy hand and are sometimes singled out by the police and megacorporate security forces for the excessive violence they use in their standard business practices. The Kodachi hold the dubious distinction of the greatest influence in Japan’s penal system as a result. In a very nontraditional fashion they celebrate their jail time by having a pearl inserted on the underside of their penis—one pearl for each year served. The worst of them, a group of assassins called the Red Pearls, have been collectively held responsible for the deaths of a dozen businessmen. The true number is probably twice that.


Kumicho Yusaku Sato leads the Kodachi-gumi. Oyabun Sato is SINless, and there is no record of the Kodachi-gumi before 2058, when the Kodachi began a sudden and violent campaign against the Yakuza in Yokohama. What I know is Oyabun Sato is the illegitimate child of a Watada-gumi kobun and his mistress.
His story is close to legend among the brotherhood. Unlike the gumi that existed there before him, Kodachi culled an army from the local street gangs and bosokuku. Since taking control of the Yokohama nawabari, they’ve resisted intrusions from the Chinese Triads and Russian Vory v Zakone.
— Janus
His wakagashira Masuke Ono is currently serving a five-year sentence in the Canton Confederation and is due out in 2072. Each of his kobun is the leader of a gang in Yokohama, which oversees protection and operations in their territory.


The Kumicho-gumi claims all of Yokohama as its nawabari, but they have been pushing into the red light district of Shinjuku where they have been fueding with the Mita-gumi for control of the prostitution rings and BTL distribution.

Principal Operations

The Kodachi-gumi deals in protection rackets and smuggling, both of which it tries to disguise under the front of legal or quasi-legal security and import/export businesses. More recently they’ve slipped into blatantly illegal activities such as kidnapping high school and university students for prostitution, sweat shops full of SINless immigrants pumping out bootleg versions of popular brand-name merchandise, and gambling, especially violent pit fights.
These operations are highly contested by non-Yakuza organized crime interests in Yokohama, particularly members of the Snake Head Triad and the Bratva. [quote]The Sea-Tou or Snake Head Triad deal predominantly in the flesh trade and metahuman smuggling. They specialize in importing bodies from impoverished areas in China and Korea into Japan. The people work off their debt to the Triad in a few years, save up for a couple more, and then try to get back home if they can. The dominant prejudice is such that few choose to stay on in Japan.|Kemuri[quote]
Parent Organization


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