Crimson War

Beneath the Shadows of mortal knowledge, a zealot mage wielding life and death, a plague darker than night, an uneasy balance shattered, and war. The mage Morgan Taylor, the vampire Sandra Dusk, the Voidflame Plague, the Crimson War.
  There had been an uneasy alliance between the supernatural circles and factions of Ravenfield City, that was until all hell broke loose during the Crimson War. A powerful master mage of life and death shattered the balance plunging the supernatural factions of the city into all out war. This war sparked by his crafting of the crimson plague would later be known as the Crimson War.  

Ravenwood City


The Voidweaver

  Morgan Taylor was a master mage in the arts of Life and Death. He spent most of his time focused on his hatred for vampire which he considered an affront to nature an abomination to life. His blending of the two opposing forces he nicknamed Voidweaving, believing that the balancing point between then is the void or limbo. This earned him the nickname or Shadowname Voidweaver.
  The Scarlet Dawn is a clandestine organization within the mage community, founded and led by Morgan Taylor, also known as "Voidweaver." This group of rebel mages shares Morgan's fervent belief that vampires are a fundamental threat to humanity and must be eradicated. Comprised of dedicated followers who have also experienced the horrors inflicted by vampires, the Scarlet Dawn operates with a singular purpose: to oppose and destroy the vampire menace.      

Sandra Dusk

  Sandra was an old and powerful vampire before relocating to Ravenwood City. Sandra was faced with the challenge of losing herself to the beast and made a change in her life, breaking away from her current family and faction to start over. She would carve out a new unlife, following, herd and business for herself opening Club Apex .      

Scarlett Plague

  The Scarlett Plague, meticulously crafted by Morgan Taylor, is a testament to his mastery of both Life and Death magic. Fueled by his relentless quest for vengeance against the vampires who took his wife, Morgan dedicated every ounce of his magical prowess and resources to creating this insidious weapon. The plague is a sophisticated and malevolent blend of Life Magic's nurturing capabilities and Death Magic's destructive potential, designed to lie dormant within mortals and activate only when consumed by vampires.    

Twilight Accords



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Scarlet Dawn

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Cover image: Shadows Beneath Thin Cover 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI


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