Gideon Ashford

Oh you are a vampire? A dangerous predator of the night! Interesting. Would you consider being physically transformed into a novel of your life story? I think this would read as good fiction, although I fear the book binding may be a bit rough. Where are you going we should talk about copyright?
  Gideon Ashford was a librarian who awakened to the mysteries of the lie, the veil, and the realms beyond. As a scholar, sage, storyteller, and mage, he mastered the wheel of fate and time. More recently, he became a mediator and guardian of the balance within Ravenfield City. Gideon allied with Sandra Dusk to defeat Morgan Taylor and the Crimson Dawn. Following their victory, he established the Oath Accords, bringing an end to the Crimson War. Renouncing his position within the Order of Mysteries, he opened the Ashford Library, his personal sanctum, becoming the site of the Oath Accords and neutral ground for all supernaturals within the city.  
Ashford Library Archive 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI

Ashford Library

  Situated in the heart of Ravenfield City, the Ashford Library and Archives is an imposing yet welcoming building known for its grand architecture and serene ambiance. The grounds are covered in low, flat gardens and running streams, adding to the calm nature of the setting. The library stands as a beacon of knowledge, history, and culture, making it an ideal neutral ground. The grounds and the structure ebb and flow with the weave of magic visible to the naked eye. Sources of energy like lights glow and swirl with their ethereal or spiritual counterparts. The space is a balance between a calm, removed sanctuary and a barely contained eldritch storm. The building gives the feel of a fortress that would stand for all time.  


  Being a master of fate and time, Gideon Ashford does not seem to age like other mortals and he does not leave traces of himself on the mundane world. Even the vampires sense that he is far older than should be possible and as they consider age power they take extreme caution regarding him. There are no traces of his family or anyone who seems to know of his history. It is possible that he has used magic to erase these trails or simply lived so long that no one remembers his roots.  

Order of Mysteries

  Gideon's talents did not go unnoticed, and he was soon inducted into the Order of Mysteries, a prestigious and secretive organization dedicated to the exploration and preservation of magical knowledge. Within the Order, Gideon quickly distinguished himself through his mastery of academia and magic, earning the title of Sage. His deep understanding of the lie, the veil, and the realms beyond made him a valuable asset to the Order. However, despite his achievements, Gideon remained humble and committed to the pursuit of knowledge for the greater good.  

Sandra Dusk

  During this tumultuous period of the Crimson War, the goals of Gideon and Sandra Dusk crossed almost igniting another conflict. The powerful vampire sought to end Morgan Taylor while Gideon sought to end the Crimson War. While their methods would have been vastly different they managed to to blend their efforts into a single shared goal. Combined they would overcome Voidweaver and the Scarlett Dawn. Years later some mages would whisper of this as a betrayal by Gideon while other note the courage to do what must be done.    

Morgan Taylor

  Morgan Taylor, known as the Void Weaver, was a master mage whose hatred for vampires drove him to the brink of madness. His creation of the Scarlet Plague marked him as a ruthless adversary, intent on wiping out the vampire population. His extremist views and violent actions posed a significant threat to the fragile balance within Ravenfield City. Gideon and Sandra's combined efforts were instrumental in countering Morgan's influence and ultimately led to his defeat.    

War & Plague

  The tranquility of Ravenfield City was shattered with the onset of the Crimson War, a devastating conflict between mages and vampires. The war was ignited by Morgan Taylor, a powerful mage who wielded life and death magic to create the Scarlet Plague, a weapon designed to eradicate vampires. The city was plunged into chaos, and countless lives were lost in the ensuing battles. Gideon, horrified by the widespread suffering, recognized the need for a peaceful resolution and began seeking allies who shared his vision.    

Oath Accord & Library

  With Morgan Taylor defeated and the Crimson War drawing to a close, Gideon Ashford took a monumental step towards establishing lasting peace. He proposed the Oath Accords, a set of agreements designed to end hostilities and restore harmony between the mages and vampires. To symbolize this new era of cooperation, Gideon offered his personal sanctum, the Ravensfield Library, as the venue for the signing of the Accords. Renaming it in honor of the new peace agreement, the library became a neutral ground for all supernatural beings in Ravenfield City.  
Current Location
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Ashford Library
6 ft
170 lbs
Ruled Locations

Cover image: Shadows Beneath Thin Cover 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI
Character Portrait image: Gideon Ashford 01 by Graylion on MidJourneyAI


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