
Explorers of the Cosmos

The astronaut is a highly trained and courageous professional who journeys beyond the confines of Earth, venturing into the vast expanse of outer space. Embodying the spirit of exploration, astronauts embark on groundbreaking missions, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and paving the way for humanity's expansion into the cosmos. With their exceptional skills, unwavering determination, and scientific expertise, astronauts fulfill the dream of reaching for the stars.

Prerequisites: Undergraduate degree , Pilot (any) 5+

First Term:

Computer Operation 2
Environment Suit 1
Pilot (Shuttle) 4
Mechanic 1
Electronics 1
Zero-G Environment 1
Pulling Strings: Aircraft Support

Subsequent Terms:

Computer Operation
Environment Suit
Medical (cascade: Diagnosis, Trauma Aid, Surgery)
Pilot (Shuttle)
Zero-G Environment
Pulling Strings: One per Term Laboratory/Workshop, Satellite Surveillance: Standard

All Terms:

Contacts: Two Per Term, Government, Intelligence Community, Journalist, and/or Specialist (Pilot). On a 1D10 roll of 7+ the contact if foreign
Influence Type: Science & Research
Resource Points: 1 per Term

Special Adventure:

On a 1D10 roll of 7+ (+1 for each Pass)
--Recruited for Project Starguard Mission--
Energy Weapons (Cascade: Pistol, Rifle)
Pulling Strings: One of the Following: Alien Technology, ARD Transport, Ranch Analysis, Secret SDI Gun Stars, Specialized Aircraft
Profession Type: Project Starguard  

Impact and Importance:

Astronauts embody humanity's relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration. By venturing into space, they expand our understanding of the universe, develop technologies with far-reaching applications, and pave the way for future space missions and potential colonization of other celestial bodies. They inspire generations to dream big and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
  Astronauts represent the pinnacle of human achievement and demonstrate the power of collaboration, pushing the boundaries of what is possible and uniting nations in the pursuit of shared goals. Their contributions to scientific research, technological advancements, and space exploration propel humanity forward, igniting our collective imagination and driving us closer to the mysteries of the cosmos.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Spacecraft Operations: Astronauts undergo rigorous training to operate complex spacecraft and equipment, mastering the intricacies of spacecraft systems, navigation, and life support. They possess the technical expertise necessary to ensure the success and safety of their missions.
  • Scientific Research: Astronauts conduct scientific experiments and gather valuable data during space missions. They collaborate with scientists and researchers on Earth to advance our understanding of space, studying phenomena such as microgravity effects, astrophysics, biology, and human physiology in space.
  • Spacewalks and Extravehicular Activities: Astronauts are trained for spacewalks and extravehicular activities (EVAs), venturing outside the spacecraft to perform tasks such as repairs, maintenance, and the assembly of complex structures. They must exhibit exceptional physical stamina, dexterity, and attention to detail in the challenging environment of space.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Astronauts work closely with their crewmates, cultivating strong interpersonal skills and effective communication. They collaborate on mission objectives, relying on each other's expertise and support to overcome the challenges inherent in space exploration.
  • Training and Simulation: Astronauts undergo extensive training, including simulations and simulations, to prepare for the physical and psychological demands of space travel. They practice emergency procedures, space vehicle piloting, survival skills, and scientific experiment protocols to ensure their readiness for any situation.
  • Public Engagement and Education: Astronauts serve as ambassadors for space exploration, inspiring the public and promoting scientific literacy. They engage in public outreach, sharing their experiences, participating in educational initiatives, and fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about the universe.


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