
Seekers of Truth and Information

The journalist is a dedicated professional who serves as a bridge between events, people, and the public. With their commitment to truth, impartiality, and storytelling, journalists play a vital role in gathering, investigating, and disseminating news and information to inform, educate, and empower society.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate Degree or Charisma 7+

First Term:

Act/Bluff 1
Computer Operation 1
Interrogation 2
Observation 3
Persuasion 2
Research 1
Pulling Strings: Press Credentials, News Archive

Subsequent Terms:

Computer Operation
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Attorney, Cheaper Vehicles, City Hall Archives, Counterculture Friends, Ear to the Ground, Front Page News, Library, Occult Library, Satellite Surveillance: Standard or Translators

All Terms:

Contacts: Three per term: Criminal, Government and/or Law Enforcement On a 1D10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Promotion: 6+, +1 if EDU 7+
Resource Points: 1 per Term +1 if Promotion Rolled
Influence Types: Civilian

Special Assignment:

On a 1D10 roll of 6+
--War Reporter--
Foreboding (if Empathy 1+)
Slug Weapons (Pistol)

Impact and Importance:

Journalists play a pivotal role in democratic societies, providing a crucial check on power, fostering informed public discourse, and promoting transparency. Their work serves as a cornerstone of a free and open society, ensuring access to accurate information and holding institutions and individuals accountable.
  By shedding light on important issues, journalists empower citizens to make informed decisions and actively participate in civic life. They amplify the voices of marginalized communities, expose injustices, and advocate for positive change. Journalists bridge divides, facilitating dialogue, understanding, and empathy among diverse groups.
  Through their reporting, journalists shape public opinion, influence policy debates, and contribute to social progress. They bring attention to human rights abuses, environmental concerns, and socioeconomic disparities. Journalists are essential for preserving democracy, promoting freedom of expression, and safeguarding the public's right to know.

Key Responsibilities:

  • News Gathering and Research: Journalists are skilled at gathering information through thorough research, interviews, and on-the-ground reporting. They uncover facts, verify sources, and analyze data to provide accurate and reliable information to the public. Journalists stay up to date with current events and emerging issues across various fields.
  • Investigative Reporting: Journalists engage in investigative journalism, delving deep into issues, and exposing wrongdoing or corruption. They follow leads, uncover hidden facts, and shed light on important matters that may otherwise remain undisclosed. Investigative journalists act as watchdogs, holding those in power accountable.
  • Interviewing and Storytelling: Journalists conduct interviews with diverse individuals, including experts, eyewitnesses, and public figures, to gather firsthand accounts and insights. They use their storytelling skills to craft engaging narratives, presenting complex information in a clear, concise, and accessible manner to resonate with audiences.
  • Ethical Reporting: Journalists adhere to professional ethics and standards, such as accuracy, fairness, and objectivity. They strive to present multiple perspectives, provide context, and avoid bias in their reporting. Journalists maintain integrity by separating opinion from news and disclosing potential conflicts of interest.
  • Digital and Multimedia Skills: Journalists employ various digital tools, technologies, and social media platforms to research, report, and engage with audiences. They leverage multimedia elements such as photos, videos, and interactive graphics to enhance storytelling and reach a broader audience in the digital age.
  • Critical Thinking and Adaptability: Journalists possess strong critical thinking skills, allowing them to assess information, identify relevant facts, and separate truth from falsehoods. They navigate rapidly changing news environments, adapt to evolving technologies, and respond to emerging challenges while maintaining professional standards.


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