US Army - Elite Forces Enlisted

Masters of Specialized Warfare and Precision

The United States Army Elite Forces represent a select group of highly trained and specialized soldiers who excel in unconventional warfare, counterterrorism, and special operations. These elite units are at the forefront of combat effectiveness, operating with precision, agility, and unwavering determination in the most challenging environments.

Basic Training:

Prerequisites: Strength + Constitution + Agility = 17+
The character receives the following skills as a part of his basic training:
Slug Weapons (Rifle) 2
Stealth 1
Thrown Weapon 1
Unarmed Martial Arts 2
Special: Characters with both Intelligence and Education of 7+ may enter OCS (Officer Corps School). If so, they receive a level 1 Leadership skill, are commissioned as a 2nd lieutenant, and then conduct their first term normally.

First Term:

Heavy Guns 2
Navigation 1
Slug Weapons 2 (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Thrown Weapon 1
Unarmed Martial Arts 2
Pulling Strings: Military Training Facility

Subsequent Terms:

Armed Martial Arts (cascade: Large Blade, Small Blade, Polearm, Club)
Grenade Launcher
Heavy Guns
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Small Watercraft
Thrown Weapon
Unarmed Martial Arts
Vehicle Use (cascade: Wheeled Vehicle, Tracked Vehicle)
Pulling Strings: One of the following: Aircraft Support, Base Clearance, Border Control, NGA Support, NMID Support, Mobility

All Terms:

Contacts: One per term: Military. Roll an 8+ on 1D10 for the contact to be foreign.
Resource Points: 1 per Term
Influence Type: Military
Special: If more than one term is served, + 1 to Initiative.  

Impact and Importance:

  Elite Forces play a critical role in combating terrorism and insurgent threats, targeting high-value individuals, disrupting terrorist networks, and neutralizing extremist threats both domestically and internationally. These specialized units are proficient in unconventional warfare, conducting operations in denied or politically sensitive areas. They train and assist local forces, conduct sabotage, gather intelligence, and support resistance movements, fostering stability and countering destabilizing influences.
  Elite Forces excel in hostage rescue and crisis response scenarios, swiftly neutralizing threats and safely extracting hostages. Their precise tactics, advanced training, and specialized equipment enable them to tackle the most challenging hostage situations.
  Elite Forces maintain a high state of readiness, capable of rapid deployment to any part of the world. Their quick response capabilities ensure the ability to address emerging threats, assist allies, and protect U.S. interests in diverse operational theaters.
  United States Army Elite Forces represent the pinnacle of military expertise, showcasing the Army's commitment to excellence, innovation, and operational effectiveness. Their specialized skills, unwavering dedication, and ability to operate in the most challenging environments make them an invaluable asset in protecting national security and promoting global peace.

Key Characteristics:

  • Extraordinary Skill Set: Elite Forces soldiers possess exceptional combat skills and undergo rigorous training beyond the standard military requirements. They are experts in a wide range of specialized areas, including close-quarters combat, marksmanship, demolitions, reconnaissance, and advanced combat tactics.
  • Operational Versatility: These elite units are capable of adapting to a wide array of operational environments and mission types. They excel in direct action, special reconnaissance, hostage rescue, intelligence gathering, unconventional warfare, and other high-risk scenarios.
  • Physical and Mental Fortitude: Elite Forces soldiers endure intense physical training, honing their endurance, strength, and agility. They possess mental resilience, remaining focused and composed in high-pressure situations, making split-second decisions with precision and clarity.
  • Advanced Equipment and Technology: These units have access to cutting-edge weaponry, advanced communication systems, and specialized equipment tailored to their specific missions. They are trained to utilize advanced technologies to gain tactical advantages and maximize operational effectiveness.
  • Small Team Dynamics: Elite Forces operate in small, tightly knit teams, relying on each member's expertise and trust. These units prioritize teamwork, communication, and cohesion, ensuring seamless coordination and synchronized actions during complex operations.
  • Stealth and Covert Operations: Elite Forces excel in covert operations, conducting missions with utmost secrecy and precision. They are adept at operating behind enemy lines, infiltrating hostile territories, and executing surgical strikes with minimal detection and maximum impact.


  • Airborne
  • Rangers
  • Mountain Infantry
  • Special Forces (Green Berets)


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