US Navy - Naval Aviator

Wings of Excellence and Precision

The United States Naval Aviator profession represents the pinnacle of aviation expertise within the Navy. Naval Aviators are highly skilled pilots who fly various types of aircraft, playing a crucial role in supporting naval operations, reconnaissance missions, and combat engagements. They are the elite aviators who soar through the skies with unwavering precision and exceptional skill.
Prerequisites: Must be a Naval Officer, Agility 8+

First Term:

Pilot 7 (Fixes-wing or Rotary)
Navigation 3
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank) and Aircraft Support

Subsequent Terms:

Pilot (Fixes-wing or Rotary)
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank) and One of the Following: Funding (1 Rank) Military Training Facility, Dangerous Toxins, Dangerous Virus or DARPA Labs, NGA Support, NMID Support, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance: Communications, Satellite Surveillance: Intelligence, Specialized Aircraft

All Terms:

Contacts: Three Per term: Military or Specialist (Pilot). On a ID10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 3 per Term
Influence Type: Military  

Impact and Importance:

  Naval Aviators engage in aerial combat operations, providing air superiority and close air support to naval and joint forces. They deliver precision strikes, conduct reconnaissance missions, and contribute to the success of combat engagements. Aviators play a crucial role in maritime patrol and surveillance, monitoring vast ocean areas for potential threats, illegal activities, and ensuring maritime security. They conduct surveillance missions, gather intelligence, and contribute to maritime domain awareness.
  Naval Aviators operate from aircraft carriers, conducting takeoffs and landings on the challenging and dynamic deck of a carrier. They provide the Navy with rapid deployment capabilities, enabling global reach and power projection.
  Naval Aviators contribute to technological advancements in aviation systems and equipment. They provide valuable feedback, participate in testing new aircraft and technologies, and help shape the future of naval aviation.
  United States Navy Naval Aviators embody the highest standards of aviation excellence and professionalism. Through their exceptional flying skills, leadership, and dedication, they ensure the Navy's air superiority, enhance operational effectiveness, and safeguard national security.

Key Characteristics:

  • Aviation Mastery: Naval Aviators possess exceptional mastery of aviation, demonstrating superior flying skills and technical knowledge. They undergo rigorous training in advanced flight operations, navigation, and combat tactics, enabling them to operate in diverse environments and challenging conditions.
  • Leadership and Teamwork: Naval Aviators are natural leaders who excel in teamwork and collaboration. They work closely with aircrews, ground support personnel, and fellow aviators to accomplish mission objectives, fostering a culture of trust, effective communication, and collective excellence.
  • Aeronautical Expertise: Aviators in the Navy have a deep understanding of aeronautical principles, aircraft systems, and aviation safety. They possess comprehensive knowledge of navigation, aerodynamics, emergency procedures, and aviation regulations, ensuring safe and efficient operations.
  • Calmness under Pressure: Naval Aviators maintain composure and make critical decisions under high-stress situations. They remain calm, focused, and adaptable, effectively mitigating risks and ensuring the safety of their crew and aircraft.
  • Operational Planning and Execution: Aviators contribute to operational planning and execution, utilizing their expertise to design and execute air missions. They analyze mission requirements, coordinate with other units, and employ advanced tactics to achieve mission success.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Naval Aviators engage in continuous learning, staying abreast of the latest aviation technologies, tactics, and procedures. They adapt to evolving aviation systems, implement innovative techniques, and embrace advancements to enhance operational effectiveness.


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