US Navy - Naval Officer

Admirals of the Seas, Guiding the Navy's Mission

The United States Naval Officer profession represents the highest level of leadership within the Navy, responsible for commanding ships, submarines, aviation squadrons, and various operational units. Naval Officers lead with expertise and strategic vision, ensuring the Navy's readiness to protect the nation's maritime interests and maintain global security.

Basic Training:

Prerequisites: OCS, Military Academy, or commission.
The character receives the following skills as a part of his basic training:
Large Watercraft 2
Slug Weapons (Rifle) 1
Swimming 2
Unarmed Martial Arts 1

First Term:

Heavy Guns 1
Leadership 1
Navigation 3
Pulling Strings: Base Clearance, Funding (1 Rank)

Subsequent Terms:

Heavy Guns
Large Watercraft
Slug Weapons (cascade: Slug Pistol, Slug Rifle)
Plus 2 Levels From the Following List:
Computer Operation
Pulling Strings: Funding (1 Rank) and One of the Following: Funding (1 Rank) Military Training Facility, Dangerous Toxins, Dangerous Virus or DARPA Labs, NGA Support, NMID Support, Mobility, Satellite Surveillance: Communications, Satellite Surveillance: Intelligence

All Terms:

Contacts: Two Per term: Military On a ID10 roll of 7+, the contact is foreign.
Resource Points: 2 per Term
Influence Type: Military  

Impact and Importance:

  Naval Officers command and control ships, submarines, aviation squadrons, and other operational units. They ensure effective mission execution, maintain operational readiness, and lead their teams in combat, training, and peacetime operations.
  Officers in the Navy contribute to maritime security, protecting sea lanes, and maintaining a presence to deter aggression. They conduct maritime patrols, counter illicit activities, and respond to threats to ensure the safety of shipping and trade routes.
  Naval Officers enable force projection capabilities, projecting power across the seas to support national security objectives. They lead carrier strike groups, expeditionary forces, and other naval assets, facilitating rapid response and strategic influence.
  Naval Officers contribute to technological innovation and advancements in naval warfare. They oversee the integration of cutting-edge systems, naval research and development, and ensure the Navy remains at the forefront of technological capabilities.
  United States Navy Naval Officers embody the core values of leadership, expertise, and dedication to service. Through their strategic guidance, operational expertise, and unwavering commitment, they ensure the Navy's capability to project power, safeguard maritime security, and protect national interests.

Key Characteristics:

  • Leadership Excellence: Naval Officers exemplify exceptional leadership qualities, inspiring and guiding sailors under their command. They foster a culture of teamwork, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to the Navy's core values.
  • Operational Expertise: Naval Officers possess extensive operational knowledge in maritime warfare, ship handling, naval aviation, submarine operations, or specialized fields. They have a deep understanding of naval tactics, strategy, and operational planning.
  • Strategic Thinking: Officers in the Navy employ strategic thinking to align operational objectives with broader national security goals. They analyze complex situations, anticipate future challenges, and make informed decisions to achieve operational success.
  • Effective Communication: Naval Officers excel in effective communication, conveying clear instructions, and articulating mission objectives. They possess strong interpersonal skills, enabling them to build relationships, collaborate with joint forces, and interact with international partners.
  • Adaptability and Resilience: Naval Officers thrive in dynamic and challenging environments, demonstrating adaptability and resilience. They swiftly adapt to changing circumstances, overcome adversity, and lead their teams with confidence and composure.
  • Ethical Conduct: Officers in the Navy adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity. They exemplify the Navy's core values of honor, courage, and commitment, serving as role models for their subordinates and upholding the principles of professional military service.


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