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The "Reading Club"

Long story short, they started to meet to exchange impressions about fictional—or impossible to prove—stories. It was all pretty normal at first: they would show up at a library or cofee shop at a time and date previously chosen, sit at any free table and chat about their favorite novels for an hour or so.   Then, somebody suggested to talk about a specific theme or genre; some would lend the book they had just talked about to others in the group. Before they knew it, they were reading the same book in a determined period of time as if it was homework.   The formats changed to include other stories, but they never adopted history books or news. From affar, it seemed ordinary, even when they were singing, drawing, and showing or making scale models in the middle of the plaza.   And then, Sigil joined. She was the one who added gossip, myths and all sorts of lore from everyone's worlds. And when she started it, the others went wild. They would include meals from their worlds, invite other employees to tell their stories or sing their songs, produce plays, and even attract and trigger ghosts in their attempts to "tell the story properly".   They cooled down a bit after one of themSomebody brought Obituary Sparks and traumatized people who was just passing by. Nobody likes their fun to ruin anyone else's day, after all. For a while, they were a evergrowing group of people sharing their stories.   But, of course, they became worse than ever (and reduced their number a little) when the Underground Library opened. For a while, it was them who organized all of the activities, many of them dangerous in a way or another, to Gael's dismay. I'm pretty sure he was expecting the group to be about calmly exchanging stories that revealed a bit about their cultures, not the dangerous carnival it has become, but... Don't tell him I said this, but sometimes I wonder if he's learn to enjoy the show. He works hard to keep things safe, he knows how to put limits withoug people knowing that's what his doing, and part of that requires them to feel like he's totally one of them, but doesn't that work both ways?  
Not necesarily, but yeah, the easiest way to make others believe you are one of them, is being one of them. And you know I'm not a liar. What does that have to do with anything?
— Gael.
  Nope, I'm just saying. Never mind.   Either way, most people don't mind about their chaotic ways. They don't need to worry about them out of the library; the consequences of any accidents with their equipment, umpleasant as they might be, are fixed with the reset of the company's time loop, and everyone tries to leave the arguments behind once they have left the library (because, you know, "politics and religion" can be discussed on the Underground Library, and they aren't cautious with the difficult topics; they listen, sure, but they also talk without thinking).
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Reckless, all of them. Oh, no, don't you dare to even try to say anything because you are the worst of them. You should know better!
Katerina, to Gael, sooner or later every time they discuss the topic of the Underground Library, about which she blames the whole reading club.
We are our memories, after all. It's not about the truth of freedom or "safety". It's just human nature to tell stories as we remember them and in the ways we learnt to share them.
— Sigil, just the other day.

Most people love that their stories are being told and becoming part of this world, just like themselves; even if they rather stay away of their meetings they will happily contribute with their world's lore.   Others have adopted the storytelling habit, and every so often another employee joins the group.

Cover image: Original Image by Eduin


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