
Animists believe that spirits inhabit every part of the natural world. In their worldview, everything has a spirit, from the grandest mountain to the lowliest rock, from the great ocean to a babbling brook, from the sun and moons to a warrior’s ancestral spear. All these objects, and the spirits that inhabit them, are alive and sentient, though some are more aware, alert, and intelligent than others. Some are also more powerful than others and might even be considered deities. All are worthy of respect and veneration.   Many Gaian races and cultures revere these nature spirits which they call Loa. Countless loa exist, most are weak, but some are incredibly powerful. Many are shapeless, whereas others have animal or creature forms. While most of the loa are small and tied to a specific location, some loa are unbound and can move freely about the world.


The reptilian races of the world agree that the loa are led by the Dragon Gods, the most powerful and primal of all the loa. In particular, the Anasazi venerate Bahamut (Bahla’Mut) as the ruler of the Dragon Gods. While less spiritual than their lizardfolk cousins, the kobolds revere Volos from whom they claim to descend.

Cosmological Views

Upon the death of all living creatures, their spirits pass on to the Dreamlands where their vital essence merges with the world. Powerful, enlightened beings can become loa upon their death—or so it is believed.   However, it is said that some souls are unable to pass to the Dreamlands. These unfortunate spirits are trapped in the physical world as the Dreamless, creatures that are neither alive nor dead.
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Loa Worship
Permeated Organizations

Articles under Animism