
This order’s duties are twofold: they are the diplomats and the soldiers of the church. Its duties include acting as missionaries in remote lands, overseeing transportation of persons or goods through dangerous territory, waging war with unbelievers (if necessary), and carrying out other dangerous missions on behalf of the church.


This order’s duties are twofold – they are the diplomats and the soldiers of the church. Its duties include acting as missionaries in remote lands, overseeing transportation of persons or goods through dangerous territory, waging war with unbelievers (if necessary), and carrying out other dangerous missions on behalf of the church.   Duties: Devotions, Guidance, Missions, Vigilance   Dress: When on active duty, members of the Azrinath wear steel breastplates and open faced helms, often topped with plumes. They may drape this armor with red cloaks and tabards of steely gray, and such garments—or the armor itself—may be adorned with the White Circle of the Maker.
Religious, Sect
Alternative Names
Order of the Heart
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities