


Usually, there's nothing to fancy in the appointment for this rank. Upon the death of the Marshal, the next one steps in and takes over. The King does confirm the new Marshal after the old Marshal's funeral.


  • Have teams bring supernaturals in for training
  • Report to the King
  • Pass orders down
  • Ensures order
  • Sets training schedule

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death is the only way to leave this rank.


This rank has been in effect since the founding of the Kingdom of Merkan. It was one of honor. Unfortunately, for the person who now holds this title, they must send their fellow Defenders out among a population that fears them.

Cultural Significance

All telepaths wear purple. These Defenders can read minds. Currently the two strongest telepaths are Lann, and Eagan. Bryce is a unique telepath, who must catch the scent of a person to know their thoughts, but he has no way to block them.
Magical, Professional
Still in Effect
09/01/0008 During Civil War
Form of Address
Master Defender, Marshal, Marshal [Name]
Equates to
General of the regular army.
Source of Authority
The King of Merkan
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
Past Holders
Reports directly to
Related Locations
Related Organizations
Related Military Formations

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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