Bran Kendall

Headmaster, Darktide Defender, Master Defender, Marshal

Physical Description

Special abilities

As a Supernaturals, his major abiilty is Telepathy with the minor ability of Blood Reading.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bran joined Crefalls when he was five seasonal cycles old. He was a fast learner, eager to prove himself. The Supernaturals of Crefalls became his family.


At Crefalls, he gained control over his Telepathy and was able to extend his range. While not as strong in Blood Reading as some, he was able to strengthen in this area as well. Here, Bran also leanred hand-to-hand combat, reading and writing.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Bran became second in comand of Crefalls in 2720 Before Civil War, at 17 seasons. He's the yount to ever hold this position. 10 seasons later, he became the headmaster of Crefalls   Bran began negiotiating with Tuathalabout six moon's cycles before Queen Ajana died. Several seasons into the civil war, he finished this deal, agreeing to be at Tuathal's side when needed the most.   He was the first Marshal of the Darktide Defenders.   He write 3 books:

Mental Trauma

His parents abandoned him on the streets of Stymoor. A kind stranger took him to Crefalls, once it was found that Bran was a Supernaturals.   Killing during the Civil War sat heavy on Bran.   Tuathal's betrayal with The Binding pissed him off and came with the burden of being dominated by someone else.

Personality Characteristics


Be the best Supernaturals he can be.   Be a good man.   Protect his fellow Supernaturals.   Protect the Regulars.   Bran is a man who views all life as important. But he is also aware that sometimes he will have to choose. When this happens he will always choose his fellow Supernaturals first, especially after The Binding.

Personality Quirks

Reserved, loyal, honorable. He is forthright, and doesn't hold back when he does talk.
Through Magick and Morgance's will
Current Location
Date of Birth
01/01/2703 Before Civil War
Date of Death
01/01/0030 After Civil War
Place of Death
Current Residence
Shoulder length blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, healthy
5' 9"
145 lbs
Believes wholeheartedly in Morgance
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character Portrait image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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