
Kingdom of Aon: The Kingdom of Aon prospered under the rule of the King. Many times he would have a Queen to help him rule. Sometimes it would be one or the other. Ruling by the will of Morgance, it was the King's job to care for the people, protect them and ensure that they had enough to eat.   While the King, prayed to Morgance, he wasn't always as benelovent as he should have been. Over the course of the Kingdom's history many people, regulars and nobles, lost faith in the King and the royal family. This loss of faith eventually leads to the Civil War   Kingdom of Merkan: The Kingdom of Merkan, is the largest of the Kingdoms that came out of the Civil War. Tuathal established this Kingdom and was the one who did The Binding on the Darktide Defenders.   Since he claimed the throne, only the King has had the authority to rule and make decisions concerning the Kingdom. The Queen has become a figurehead, a source of inspiration. Tuathal, despite what he did to the Darktide Defenders, was a good King. Some of his descendents, unfortunately, haven't followed in his footsteps, and a few like Melor, have been senile and power-hungry.   Kingdom of Ajana: The Kingdom of Ajana is the smallest of the Kingdoms, but is ruled by ironfisted Kings. There is no official title of Queen in this Kingdom. Though there was a brief spasm, about a hundred seasonal cycles ago, when a woman ruled for a time. The King's primary duty in this Kingdom is to maintain order, maintain peace between the army and the Tine Dearg, and maintain clean water supply for consumption and crops.   This Kingdom is surround by a Fire Shield, which, blocks it off from the other Kingdoms. The Kings of this Kingdom are descended from Acelin, who burned vengeance into his and his heirs blood, and the need to claim the throne of the Kingdom of Merkan.   Kingdom of Manzi: The Kingdom of Manzi is one of two Kingdoms to have the same ruler since the Civil War. The Kingdom is run by Sevilin and this Kingdom is where the Wraiths live. Sevilin is more worried about appearance and honor than anything else. He loves his middle son (his designated heir-apparent), the best, and sadly at the cost to his oldest son, and his daughter.   He like many in the Kingdom still view the Civil War as being fresh.


There is a long, rich history behind this rank, some of it good, and some of it bad. While there's too much to into here, there will be a timeline coming in the future.   Some of the bad: Some of the good:

Cultural Significance

Having a clear line of succession and having someone to look to has allowed the people to feel safe and secure in their Kingdoms. While the Kingdom of Aon did split into five Kingdoms after the Civil War, viewpoints on the King is pretty similar.   Perhaps the only exception to this would be in the Kingdom of Babylos, which is ruled by a Queen. But it may be that the man who tried to lead, wasn't very good at it.
Royalty, Hereditary or Continuous
Stiil in Effect
Established by Morgance at the beginning of history
Form of Address
Your Majesty, Sire, M'lord
Source of Authority
Originally by the will of Morgance, now it's hereditary or continuous
Length of Term
Current Holders
Past Holders
Related Locations
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Aug 21, 2024 01:21 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing and informative article with a nice design.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3

Aug 21, 2024 01:59 by Lady Wynter

Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

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