

Isbeal requested to build a place where all supernaturals in the Kingdom of Aon are allowed to gather, practice, and govern themselves.


It was a struggle to get the authority to do so as the Crown didn't want to let them gather in one place. She was told there were conditions she had to meet. These conditions were worth it to her. So after working with an official from the royal court and a site was selected, Isbeal returned home and talked with her group of supernaturals about it. Half of them agree to go with her.   It took them nearly six seasonal cycles to build Crefalls because the ground was unstable. Many, including Isbeal, believe that the royal official knew about the instability of the land and intentionally didn't tell her about it. It wasn't until 1505, when an Elemental specializing in geokinesis showed up, that they were able to stabilize the ground and finish building.   As time went on, more supernaturals came. In fact, one supernatural, Tavion helped set up a learning program, ability classification, and hierarchy for Crefalls. By 01/01/1516 Before Civil War, Crefalls had become the center of learning for supernaturals.   While many learned here, not everyone stayed. And history doesn't stand still even for a refuge for supernaturals that most regulars feared.


Very few regulars come here, before and after it fell into ruins. Many supernaturals after the Civil War make a pilgrimage to Crefalls and try to imagine and yearn for what was, wishing for the refuge they no longer have.

09/01/0008 During Civil War

Founding Date
01/11/1499 Before Civil War to 05/54/1505 Before Civil War
Alternative Name(s)
The Falls, Where THEY Go
Location under
Dewy Diamonds Badge by Strixxline
Camp On Stream #WASC24 by Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Cover image: by Lady Wynter by way of NightCafe


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